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但是小天狼星没有出现。But Sirius did not reappear.

邓不利多悲伤的眼睛转向小天狼星。Dumbledore's sad eyes moved back to Sirius.

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我很喜欢自己车里的Sirius卫星广播收音机。I love my Sirius satellite radio in my car.

它在火车上搜寻小天狼星布莱克。It was searching the train for Sirius Black.

总是跟詹姆和小天狼星寸步不离的。Never let James and Sirius out of his sight.

“我们所有的人现在已经离开了“天狼星”号”,油轮自由了,全体船员也自由了。”All our people have now left the Sirius Star.


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雷古勒斯是小天狼星布莱克的弟弟。Regulus was the younger brother of Sirius Black.

后来小天狼星成为波特的教父。Sirius also became the godfather of Harry Potter.

现在还不清楚,天狼星号油轮会驶往何处。It was unclear where the Sirius Star would now head.

小天狼星也不会希望你问起这些事。Sirius wouldn't have wanted you to inquire about that.

让人触动心玄的就是天狼星的死。People touched the heart is the mysterious death of Sirius.

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左边树枝的空隙中可以瞥见明亮的天狼星。The bright star Sirius peeked out of thetrees on the far left.

现在已了解到9-11事件是由天狼星的业力所致。It is now understood that 9-11 was caused by karma from Sirius.

历史中第一篇有关天狼星号的记载它为“贝李克郡的储备船”。The Sirius first appears in history as 'ye Berwick store-ship '.

小天狼星布莱克绰号“大脚板”,是纯血统的巫师。Sirius Black also known by his nickname Padfoot, was a pure-blood wizard.

在去执行这些任务前,他同小天狼星布莱克见了面并且握了手。Before setting out on this task, he met and shook hands with Sirius Black.

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天狼星是他们全部宗教系统天文学上的基础。Sirius was astronomically the foundation of their entire religious system.

天狼星会在新年的午夜时分到达其位于天空中的至高点。Sirius will reach its highest point in the sky at midnight New Year's Day!

小天狼星肯定在帘子后面,他,哈利,可以把他拉出来。Sirius must be just behind the curtain, he, Harry, would pull him back out.