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我的心在为你泣血。My heart bled for you.

她最后流血至死。She had bled to death.

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那棵树因受伤害而流液汁。The tree bled from a wound.

我们排放汽车散热器中的气。We bled the car radiator off.

我为这个杂志呕心沥血。I have bled for this magazine.

老农给他的马放了点血。The old farmer bled his horse.

战士们为事业而流血牺牲。The soldiers bled for the cause.

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老鼠一点一点地把干酪都啃光了。Mice have nib bled all the cheese away.

大黑臭虫流出的血是深黑色的。The big black bug bled blue black blood.

第一层蓝色渗入了白色涂层。The blue first coat bled into the white.

嘴角凌厉的表情不见了,眼里泛着泪光。Her eyes bled the viscous color of tears.

我倒到我的脚,我看到鲜血淋漓的待遇。I fell down to my feet and i saw they bled.

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老鼠在奶酪上啃出了一个洞。The mice have nib bled a hole in the cheese.

他们为国流血牺牲,死而无憾。They bled for their country and died happily.

这件衣服一洗,颜色都洇开了。All the colors bled when the dress was washed.

他的示指被刀划破了,流了很多血。His forefinger was cut by knife and bled a lot.

我的另一个哥哥伊斯梅尔也是失血过多而亡的。My other brother Ismail, he also bled to death.

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我们开阀从汽车的散热器中排气。We bled off the carradiator by opening a valve.

血,从没有伤口的额头上流出。Foreheads of men have bled where no wounds were.

在送往医院的途中,胡塔督因为流血过多而死。Mr Hurtado bled to death on the way to hospital.