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尖轨和转辙机械。A sharp rail and Switch machinery.

广西柳工机械股份有限公司。Guangxi Liugong Machinery Co. , Ltd.

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这个工厂拥有很多机器。The factory contains much machinery.

深圳市高松机械有限公司。Shenzhen City Takamatsu Machinery Co.

感谢您选择建德机械。Thank you for using Kentak machinery.

农业机器按周出租。Farm machinery is let out by the week.

上海小野食品机械有限公司。SHANHAI ONO Foods Machinery Co. , Ltd.

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机器声在这儿更大了。The machinery sounds were louder here.

吉川机械欢迎您的光临指导!Yoshikawa machinery here to guide you.

DEGA是意大利名机器制造商。DEGA Italy is a machinery manufacturer.

有些机器被闲置不用。Some of the machinery is standing idle.

湖州宏侨橡胶机械有限公司。Huzhou hongqiao rubber machinery co. lt.

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重型机械开始轰鸣。The rumbling of heavy machinery started.

他们将取代工人在机械。They will replace workers with machinery.

不允许把运转的设备护罩取掉。Do not remove guards on running machinery.

机器外客的刚度。The stiffness of machinery casing support.

我们正在安装起锚设备。We are installing anchor handling machinery.

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浙江精诚模具机械有限公司。Zhejiang Jingcheng Mold Machinery Co. , Ltd.

或者,也许是由机器挖掘过的土地。Or maybe the dust have been dug by machinery.

世林玻璃机械有限公司欢迎您的光临!Welcome to Selim Glass Machinery Co. , Ltd. !