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我差点被羊角面包噎住了。I almost choked on my croissant.

羊角面包像汉堡包一样广为流传。The croissant is as widely travelled as the burger.

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您要丹麦甜品、法式牛角面包或土司?。Would you like Danish pastries , croissant or toast?

一个熏腌肉鸡蛋奶酪羊角面包的卡路里含量高达480。A bacon egg 'n cheese croissant packs a whopping 480.

她摇了摇头,又咽了一口羊角面包。She shook her head and swallowed a bite of croissant.

我想去街上给他买个牛角包。I think what I'll do is go get, him a croissant down the street.

羊角面包是一种轻软易碎的点心或面包。A croissant is a type of pastry or bread that is light and flaky.

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意大利原装进口,专用于丹麦面包、起酥类产品及各式牛角包。Imported from Italy special for Danish bread, pastry and croissant.

如今,牛角面包已经成了法国文化也是法国传统的一种象征。Today, the croissant is both a symbol of French culture and tradition.

直到1770年,这种糕点才以牛角面包的名字流传开来。It was not until 1770 that the pastry came to be known as the croissant.

涂上果酱的新鲜牛角包或法式面包,配以咖啡或巧克力。Fresh croissant or baguettes with jam, washed down with coffee or hot chocolate.

那就在一家路边咖啡馆稍做停留,来块塞满巧克力的可颂面包和一杯法式咖啡吧。Then stop at a sidewalk cafe for a chocolate-filled croissant and a cafe au lait.

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牛角面包应该是奶油味浓郁,有一种天然奶制品的甜味。The flavor of a croissant should be intensely buttery with a natural dairy sweetness.

我只是有一个羊角面包和面包吃了我的兄弟我的所有香肠奇怪他。I just had a croissant and the toast my brother ate all my sausages surprising he could.

一顿最便宜省时的早饭就是像当地人那样,在吧台前站着喝咖啡吃面包。Take your morning coffee and croissant at the bar like locals do and you'll save big-time.

我要加奶红茶、煮鸡蛋、月牙面包、香蕉松饼各一份。I would like to take a cup of tea and milk, poached eggs, and one croissant and banana muffi.

您点了橙汁,香肠,两面煎的煎蛋,牛角包和一杯红茶。Certainly, sir. So that's orange juice. sausage and eggs. fried over. Croissant and a black tea.

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往切片了的牛角面包或迷你奶油蛋卷中加入几小块优质的巧克力,然后放到烤炉里面去烘烤。Slip a few tablets of good chocolate into a sliced croissant or mini brioche and warm in the oven.

营养的炒鸡蛋、爽滑的车达奶酪-,配以两片轻脆培根,是蓬松羊角包的完美搭档。Two scr mbled eggs with melted-Cheddar and two slices of crispy bacon on a large fluffy croissant.

营养的炒鸡蛋、爽滑的车达奶酪,配以两片轻脆培根,是蓬松羊角包的完美搭档。Two scrambled eggs with melted Cheddar and two slices of crispy bacon on a large fluffy croissant.