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有人煽动,实行挡驾。Stop anyone trying to incite the people.

私下竞标有可能刺激敌对买家采取行动。A private bid could incite hostile buyers into action.

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二思怂恿暴力是要跟谁闹别扭?The thinking is to incite violence against whom the sum?

语言可以被用来煽动仇恨,激起暴力和制造恐惧。Words can incite hatred, inspire violence and create fear.

塞伯特恩之迪斯坦逆党煽动囚犯暴动。On Sabertron, the Destrons incite an uprising among the prisoners.

意图煽惑他人犯叛国、颠覆或分裂国家罪。With intent to incite others to commit treason , subversion or secession.

我党对江阴要塞的策反工作,也非一日之功。Party Jiangyin fortress incite defection work, but also the non-single day.

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为什么我翻包会引起一个两岁小孩如此激动呢?Why would my rummaging of the bag incite such excitement from a 2 year old?

其中好战的言论肯定能激怒战争评论家。There were also pugnacious certainties guaranteed to incite the war's critics.

换言之,他们会煽动武装的农民去反对先进的工人。In other words, they will incite the armed peasants against the advanced workers.

鼓动谋杀、褒扬自杀,这些人草菅人命,不攻自明。Those who incite murder and celebrate suicide reveal their contempt for life itself.

教唆、指使他人帮助自己毁灭、伪造证据的,不构成帮助毁灭、伪造证据罪的共犯。It is not a crime to goad or incite others to help himself to damage of forge proofs.

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我不想问你什么鬼使神差,会唆使我们的克劳德干这种可怕的事。Iwillnot ask you what devilish impulse movedyou incite our Claudetodo this awful deed.

1895年詹姆森企图煽动这些外国人推翻布尔人政府。In 1895 Leander Starr Jameson attempted to incite them to overthrow the Boer government.

很少有事情能想让人们谈论自己差老板一样引起唾沫横飞、圆眼怒睁了。Few things incite a frothing , wild-eyed rage like asking people to talk about bad bosses.

干涉主义只能招致别人反对我们,对外国的占领也永远不会给我们带来任何好处。All it does is incite people against us, and the occupations can never be of any benefit to us.

当局宣称此举为「在狱中秘密出版宣传品,意图煽动暴动。」The authorities characterized this as "secretly publishing propaganda to incite riots in jail."

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也暴露出他信作为煽动者想从其流亡地,迪拜,就激起一场叛乱。It also exposed Mr Thaksin as a demagogue who is ready to incite a revolt from his Dubai redoubt.

中国政府指责热比娅于上个月在汉族和维吾尔族间挑起暴动。China has accused Ms Kadeer of helping to incite riots involving Uighur and Han Chinese last month.

接到写作任务后,只要领导简单授意,我便能一气呵成,并且别人很难挑出毛病。Writing task, so long as to lead simple, I was able to incite letup, and the other is hard to fault.