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学校可以培养人才,也可以毁灭人才。Not only a school can prosper education, but also molder education.

跟进新模具的加工流程并解决现场的所有问题。Follow up new molder machining process and solve all issues on site.

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并对该机的应用及经济效益进行了分析。And the applications and economic benefits of the molder were analysed.

了解注塑机,模具和挤压机方面的知识。Learning and knowing the knowledge about injection molder extrusion press and die.

广告语言是人们关注的热点问题之一。Ad language is not the molder of language pattern, But the user of standard language.

这是最古老的铸型生产方法,主要依靠造型工的技巧。This is the oldest method of mould production and relies heavily on the skill of the molder.

我想如果东先生可以做到这些我能获得什么,我不认为我们需要一台模具机器。I guess what I am getting at if Mr. Dong can do this, I don't think we would need a molder machine.

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设计了连铸铸坯表面温度在线实时测量系统。In this paper the on-line real-time detecting system of molder surface temperature of continuous casting is designed.

如果你想成为手工艺人、纫工、型工或制模工,你需要代数和几何,甚至三角。If you want to be a draftsman a machinist a molder or a patternmaker you'll need algebra and geometry and even trigonometry.

而这茶场主人的路数倒是我很欣赏的,他可以化腐朽为神奇,你看这破澡缸居然成了荷花池。But I admire him for his ability to convert molder to super nature. The broken bath changing into a pond of water lilies is just an example of this sort.

渐渐的。10年过去了。我们依然传递着爱情的讯息,而我送你的翅膀也变为了腐朽。Gradually. 10 has been passing away , we have been transferring amatory information as before, but the wing that I give you has also been becoming to molder.

创新的复合材料的扩展计划通过收购湖岸多元化的产品,公司的春天湖,密歇根州的湖岸是一个注塑认为,本身就是在扩大。Innovative Composites plans to expand by acquiring Lakeshore Diversified Products Inc. of Spring Lake, Mich. Lakeshore is an injection molder that itself is expanding.

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现在只有一个原型的注塑机在韩国工厂,但以苹果公司技术背后的财力,这种设备很快就会变出很多来。Right now there is but one prototype injection molder in a factory in Korea, but with Apple's financial might behind the technology there could be many more relatively quickly.

在我们听任自命不凡的名声更大的作家的作品躺在书架上发霉的同时,哥尔德斯密斯的作品却被我们棒在怀中,视若至宝。While the productions of writers of loftier pretension and more resounding names are suffered to molder on our shelves, those of Goldsmith are cherished and laid in our bosoms.

针对头部无螺纹和有螺纹的注塑螺杆,使用POLYFLOW软件数值模拟了注塑机螺杆计量段熔料在注射过程中的三维等温流场。Three-dimensional isothermal material flows in the metering section of injection molder with different screw heads during injection molding are simulated through POLYFLOW software.

一种滚切式花边饼干成型模,用于滚切式饼干机中作花边饼干成型模具,可以解决饼干生产中的边条问题。The utility model discloses a biscuit molder, which is used for a rolling type biscuit machine. The biscuit molder can be used to solve the edging problem in the biscuit production.