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自己做格兰诺拉麦片。Make your own granola.

一条格兰诺拉,一个苹果和一杯冷牛奶。A granola bar, an apple, and a cold glass of milk.

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把火关了,把麦片倒入别的碗中。Turn the oven off. Transfer the granola mixture to the other bowl.

非学校教育者是嬉皮士,吃麦片和新鲜蔬菜,穿拖鞋。Unschoolers are hippies, eat granola and sprouts, and wear sandals.

新鲜或冷冻浆果与香草酸奶和坚果或麦片。Layer fresh or frozen berries with vanilla yogurt and nuts or granola.

嬉皮士喜欢燕麦卷,虽然它吃起来可能像是沙子或者是硬纸板,但是它真的很有益于健康。Hippies love granola. It might taste of gravel and cardboard but it’s so healthy.

燕麦棒甚至比糖块有更多的口味选择,所以挑选你的至爱吧。Granola bars have more flavor options than even candy bars do, so pick your poison.

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巴西莓常常被制成果汁或沙冰,干燥的巴西莓也会混合在燕麦中。Acai berries can be found most often in juice or smoothie form, or dried and mixed with granola.

汤姆和塔米莎各吃了一片燕麦卷,然后与小狗梅杜莎一起依偎在毛毯下,努力想进入梦乡。Tom and Tamitha ate a granola bar apiece, snuggled under the blankets with Medusa, and tried to sleep.

这种含高量坚果,干果,玉米及小米碎末的格兰诺拉麦片可提供各种营养成分,含糖量也不高。Loaded with nuts, dried fruit, corn, and millet flakes, this granola provides nutrients without a lot of sugar.

第二天,我以为我的身体会不适应,但那些茶叶蛋似乎跟任何纯天然存储的麦片一样有效。The next day my body would be cursing me, but the tea eggs seemed as effective as any nature store granola mix.

你能在办公桌上吃早餐吗——或者放点水果,燕麦片之类的在办公室里?Could you have breakfast at your desk – perhaps by keeping some fruit and granola bars, or similar, in the office?

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当晚只有汤姆吃了燕麦卷,待他打鼾时,塔米莎就把自己的那片藏到了座位下面。That night, when he ate a granola bar, she left hers untouched. Once he was snoring, she stashed it under the seat.

因为价格的增长,41岁的Jon和43岁的Dan开始寻找更多的有价格竞争力的零食项目,比如加香的花生和麦片。As prices rose, Jon, 41, and Dan, 43, decided to explore more price-competitive snack items, like flavored peanuts and granola.

蛋白煎蛋卷,水果钵或者酸奶和格兰诺拉麦片是加速新陈代谢的早餐上品。Egg white omelets, fruit bowls or yogurt and granola combinations are a perfect breakfast for beginning to boost your metabolism.

健康的食品如格兰诺拉燕麦卷或水果可以帮助你提高血液里血糖含量,为你提供健康的能量。Having a healthy snack on hand, like a granola bar or fruit can help your blood sugar levels and may provide a healthy boost of energy.

萃取这种蛋白质,是用来当抗痢疾药,也可能添加到优格及格兰诺拉燕麦卷等健康食品中。The proteins are to be extracted for use as an anti-diarrhea medicine and might be added to health foods such as yogurt and granola bars.

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把干水果,大麻籽,麦片和2杯糙米放入食品加工机内,研磨直到全部变成细碎片。Place dried fruit, hempseeds, granola , and 2 cups of the rice cereal in a food processor. Grind until all is broken down into tiny pieces.

喝些放了燕麦片的酸奶,吃些抹上点花生酱的薄饼干,或是一块含有些许蛋白质的格兰诺拉。Have a little yogurt with cereal in it, a little bit of peanut butter on some crackers, or a granola bar with a little bit of protein in it.

约翰逊医生认为人们之所以认为糖果有害,是因为它不像燕麦早餐棒和果汁那样戴着“健康光环”。Dr. Johnson said that candy is considered bad because it lacks the “health halo” that hovers over sweet food like granola bars and fruit juice.