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改正错误。Correct mistakes.

那么这是否正确?So is it correct?

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在3s轨道里有两个节点。two. That's correct.

总之,答对了In a way it's correct.

我来把您的账单改过来。I'll correct your bill.

你是正确的。The murmuring is correct.

目前算得都对吧Is my math correct so far?

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如此,法院就是正确的?So, was the court correct?

为了纠正入水过宽的错误。To correct the wide entry.

这在日本是不正确的。It is not correct in Japan.

对不起,那是不对的。Sorry, that is not correct.

这好像是正确的。This appears to be correct.

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知错就改就是进步。Any correct is all progress.

改正错误的句子。Correct the false sentences.

我希望,你可以纠正它们。I hope, you can correct them.

选择合适的答语,连线。IV, Choose the correct answer.

您瞧,我说的没错吧?Look, was what I said correct?

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因此这是正确的答案。So this is the correct answer.

那些推测是对的。Those conjectures are correct.

没有事实根据,是不正确的。It is baseless and not correct.