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康州大学正在解决林和李的问题。UConn is trying to extricate Lin and Li.

鹬鸟用尽力气,也拔不出它的喙来。Despite all its efforts, the snipe could not extricate its bill.

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矛盾的情感,盛开的花。深深的扎入,无法自拔。Conflicting emotions, blooming flowers. Plunge into the deep, can not extricate themselves.

“我一定得走了,凯蒂,”希刺克厉夫说,想从他的伴侣的胳臂中挣脱出来。I must go, Cathy,' said Heathcliff, seeking to extricate himself from his companion's arms.

整天迷恋网络,我们会迷失自我,难以自拔。Fascination with the network all day, we will lose ourselves, unable to extricate themselves.

加利马尔遐想联翩,无法自拔于东方主义的单向思维。Pina Gallimard reverie together, be able to extricate themselves in the one-way thinking Orientalism.

一个多月了,我时常陷入无名的苦恼之中无以自拔。More than a month, I often fall into distress among the non-anonymous in order to extricate themselves.

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里弗赛德县动物服务人员在墙的两侧通力协作才成功营救出它。Riverside County Animal Services officers got on both sides of the wall and managed to extricate Rebel.

劳文豪普特用了两个多小时的时间将他的军团带出交战,行军至集结地点。It took two more hours for Löwenhaupt to extricate his battalions and march them to the rendezvous point.

他们为了我们付出的太多,我们不应该生活在分手的痛苦中不可自拔。For they we pay are too many, we should not live in the pain which bids good-bye cannot extricate oneself.

我就亲耳听说、亲眼见到了一个人为天魔鬼怪附体而无法摆脱而很痛苦的事情。I hear that saw a man possessed supernatural Omen and unable to extricate itself from the very painful thing.

他受到了一顿痛打,幸亏受到一个名叫宙斯的杂货店老板帮助才得以脱身。He got beat up, be called time fortunately by this drug-store boss helps ability be able to extricate oneself.

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探测器研究组从细沙的陷阱里援救勇气号的策略是使探测器顺着这些痕迹向北行驶。The rover team's strategy to extricate Spirit from the sand trap was to follow these tracks out, heading north.

因此,必须以新思路实现“两课”教学改革的重大突破。We should find a way out with the new train of thought to extricate two-course teaching reform from predicament.

程序员试图从垃圾堆挣扎出来之时,那条狗跑过来在他身上便溺。As the programmer was attempting to extricate himself from the garbage, the dog wandered over and piddled on him.

因为,一个人生命自体的真实呈露,只有在对摆脱社会事功疯狂的速度追逐后方有可能。Because, a person oneself life reveal, only the possibility as extricate the chase by crazy speed of the society.

你看网络游戏就像海络因,吃多了会上瘾,人会沉迷其中,不能自拔。You look online games like the sea for more, eat winder will addictive, and indulge in it, unable to extricate themselves.

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今天我们部门从服务器上面下载了数据,并且希望从中提取仅我们部门的数据。The department today retrieved datas from the server and was supposed to extricate records that belonged to our department.

我还盼望着总有那么一天,我可以从污泥中拔出我的身子,我要乘雷飞上天空。I'm looking forward to a day when I can extricate myself from the mire and fly to the skies by taking advantages of a thunder-storm.

他说他曾希望能够在市场恢复之后从这个骗局中解脱出来,但是取而代之的,他只是陷得更深。He said he had hoped he would be able to extricate himself from the scheme when the markets recovered but instead just got deeper in.