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拖延者为什么要做这些事呢?Why does the procrastinator do these things?

在我的生活里我从来都没见过一个快乐的拖延者。I’ve never in my life seen a happy procrastinator.

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只有你自己才清楚你是否一个拖拉者。Only you can tell whether you are a procrastinator.

拖延的人总是打算做一些事。The Procrastinator is always about to start something.

如果你是一个拖拉的人,这样会对你很有帮助。This is also a great help if you are a procrastinator.

然而,当明天变成了今天,仍旧在拖延。However, when tomorrow becomes today, the procrastinator keeps delaying.

每个拖拖拉拉的人都知道,迈出第一步是相当困难的。As every procrastinator knows, the hardest step to take is the first one.

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以下是一些拖延的症状表现以及可以尝试的补救措施。Below are some of the symptoms of a Procrastinator and the remedies to try.

我也不知道网站将会是什么样子,因为我只是他的一个促使者。I don't know what the site will be like, because I'm a terminal procrastinator.

它会激发行动和热情,如果你做事拖拖拉拉,那么红色对你而言是最完美的颜色。It evokes action and passion and a perfect color if you tend to be a procrastinator.

你知道你是一个做事拖拖拉拉的人而且经常是能拖多久就拖多久。You know you are a procrastinator and you have put off dealing with it as long as possible.

如果只剩下削铅笔的事可做了,那么他们绝对是雷打不动!If all the procrastinator had left to do was to sharpen some pencils, no force on earth could get him doit.

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他说,聪明的拖延时间者尽管屈服于拖延的欲望,但他们能因高生产率而获得美誉。He says the smart procrastinator can earn a reputation for productivity while giving in to the urge to delay.

相似地,卢文斯基倾向于把拖延者看作是“不假思索”地被当下的回报所迷惑了。Loewenstein, similarly, is inclined to see the procrastinator as led astray by the “visceral” rewards of the present.

但是,这种想法有悖拖延者自身的天性,并可能最终扼杀他们最大的动力源泉。But this goes contrary to the basic nature of the procrastinator and destroys his most important source of motivation.

佩克姆将军谈到清洁和拖延的那些简报,使梅杰少校感到自己象一个邋遢的、作风拖拉的家伙。General Peckem's communications about cleanliness and procrastination made Major Major feel like a filthy procrastinator.

我曾经是个认真勤奋的人,但是现代科技却把我变成了一个做事最拖拉的人。I used to be a conscientious and diligent person, but modern technology has turned me into a procrastinator of the highest order.