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这是一个很友好的概括。That was a very kind generalization.

当然,这只是一个总的概括。This is, of course, a gross generalization.

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与重用相关的活动,如普遍化Reuse-related activities such as generalization

是关于人权思想的概说。Is about the human rights thought generalization.

然后你们应该对这种推广小心一点。Then you should be very wary of the generalization.

刺激泛化是个很有意思的概念。One interesting notion is that of stimulus generalization.

我将引用这些原语,这就是继承。And I'm going to put those in quotes, it's a generalization.

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人们可以接受用这个刻板印象来以一概全。It's an acceptable stereotype to make a generalization from.

本课程为保险学基本概念与原则的一个综合分析。This is the theoretical generalization of insurance practice.

广义软算子是OWA算子的推广。General soft operators are the generalization of OWA operators.

地形图缩编是一项系统性、规范性很强的工作。Topographic map generalization is very systematic and normative.

对操行的评价会含有一些泛泛之论。The evaluation of conduct involves some amount of generalization.

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它是一种笼统的时间概念,而且可能永远都不会出现。It’s a foggy generalization of a time that will likely never come.

这一透彻的概括就是能量守恒定律。This sweeping generalization is the law of conservation of energy.

很难对13亿人做出任何概论。It's difficult to make any generalization about 1.3 billion people.

虚实转换是常见的翻译技巧。Generalization and concretization are common translating techniques.

您可以把目的地看作是队列及主题的泛化。You can think of destinations as a generalization of a queue and topic.

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为了提高网络模型的泛化能力,采用规则化调整的方法。The generalization ability of the network was improved by regularization.

离婚法定标准宜恢复为概括主义。The legal criterion of divorce is proper to resume generalization doctrine.

三商映射是完备映射和开映射的共同推广。Tri quotient maps are a common generalization of perfect maps and open maps.