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智力北部的阿塔卡马沙漠是世界上最干的沙漠。The Atacama in northern Chile is the driest desert on Earth.

这张照片摄于2000年,智利阿塔卡马沙漠。Herman and Candelaria Zapp in 2000 in the Atacama Desert, Chile.

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阿卡塔马沙漠通常被认为是地球上最为干燥的地方之一。The Atacama Desert is usually one of the driest places on Earth.

小镇曾有条河,流入阿塔卡马沙漠一处绿洲。What the town did have was a river, feeding an oasis in the Atacama desert.

自有文献记录开始,阿塔卡马沙漠的部分区域至今没有任何降水。Parts of the Atacama have received no precipitation since recordkeeping began.

气候图片画廊。一个滑翔伞乘风在山龙沙丘上面在智利的阿塔卡马沙漠。A paraglider rides the winds above the Cerro Dragon sand dune in Chile's Atacama Desert.

只有像南极洲和智利的阿塔卡玛沙漠这类的无人区不会有信号。Only unpopulated areas like Antarctica or Chile's Atacama desert will remain off the hook.

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阿塔卡马沿海地区降雨极少,但是经常出现大量浓雾,也叫做浓湿雾。Rain rarely falls on the Atacama coastline, but dense fog known as camanchaca is abundant.

非洲的纳米比亚沙漠和智利的阿塔卡马沙漠都是沿海沙漠。The Namib Desert in Africa and the Atacama Desert in Chile are examples of coastal deserts.

在智利月球表面似的阿塔卡马沙漠中,一辆皮卡的车厢里有一头紧张的美洲驼。A nervous llama lies in the back of a pickup truck amid the moonscape of Chile’s Atacama Desert.

阿塔卡玛拥有世界上最奇怪的风景,一个永远不下雨的沙漠。The Atacama is one of the world's strangest landscapes — a desert that really gets no rain at all.

一千多名记者乘坐的阿塔卡马沙漠的矿山救援报告。More than one thousand journalists traveled to the mine in the Atacama Desert to report on the rescue.

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圣何塞矿井坐落于智利科比亚波市北部被誉为世界上最干旱的沙漠的——阿卡塔马沙漠中。The San José mine lies north of the city of Copiapó, Chile, in the world’s driest desert, the Atacama.

经过四年建成后,这套设备将被运载到位于智利阿塔卡马沙漠的观测高台。When complete in four years, the instrument will be shipped to an observation perch in Chile's Atacama desert.

近年来,智利阿塔卡玛盐湖的开发进展迅速。In recent years, the utilization of salt lake resources in Ei Salar de Atacama have been getting rapid progress.

观光者顺着治理的阿卡塔玛沙漠里的叫月亮谷的地方顺沙丘而下。Tourists career down a mountainous sand dune in the aptly named Valley of the Moon region of Chile's Atacama Desert.

帕拉纳尔山位于智利的阿塔卡马沙漠地区,公认世界上最好的天文观测区域之一。Cerro Paranal, in the Chilean Atacama Desert, is considered one of the best astronomical observing sites in the world.

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造成铜价上涨的另一个原因是智利8月份发生的一起铜金矿塌陷事故,地点位于科皮亚波附近的阿塔卡马沙漠。This growth also comes after the country braved the collapse of a copper-gold mine in the Atacama Desert near Copiapó in August.

位于智利阿卡塔马的一些大型望远镜幸免于难,负责管理这些望远镜的欧洲南方天文台称。Several major telescopes in Chile's Atacama Desert have escaped damage, according to the European Southern Observatory managing them.

在智利阿塔卡玛沙漠,全新的国际天文观察站正在建设中,它是射电天文学的另一个最尖端项目。On another cutting edge of radio astronomy is a brand new international observatory that's under construction in Chile's Atacama Desert.