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杰克极力用短打打出投手投出的快球。Jack managed to bunt the fastball.

孩子们给你一个练习快球的理由。Kids give you an excuse to work on your fastball.

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当你的快速球会坠移一呎,真是有够诱惑。When your fastball moves by a foot, that's pretty sexy.

很多优秀投手的快速球也只有这个速度而已。Plenty of pitchers can get by with a fastball that good.

比较起来,我宁可每天都打速球,即使礼拜天打两倍多的速球份量也无妨。Give me a fastball every day of the week, and twice on Sundays.

同样的你可以将他的四缝线快速球排除不看。You can also see the straightening out of his four-seam fastball.

小王的主要球路是快速下沈球,这让他在大联盟生存的很不错。Wang's primary pitch is a sinking fastball and it has served him well.

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我们举例来考虑的是,一个松阪的快球。And the example we'll pick is considering, for example, a Matsuzaka fastball.

在他们眼中,在0-2落后、两人出局,抑或是平局时的快速直球,棒球就像排球一样大,速度也同样缓慢。For them, that 0-2, two-out, tie-game fastball looks as fat and slow as a volleyball.

我的快攻甚至不能突破一层窗玻璃,击球员只要等在那儿就可以了。My fastball couldn't crack a pane of glass. Hitters would just sit there and wait for it.

至于穆帅,健康及一整个冬天的训练,能否找回他的快速球?As for Mussina, healthy and following a winter of work, can the zip return to his fastball?

当你发掘一位强臂新秀,他们都会想教他四缝线快速球。When you find a kid with a power arm, all they want to teach him is the four-seam fastball.

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棒球手要想用一根短圆的球棒击中飞速而至的球很不容易。Baseball players have it tough, trying to hit an incoming fastball with a small, rounded bat.

藉由这张他的平均变速球与平均快速球的图表可以显示出我所说的。Here is a look at his average change-up and average fastball from the side to show what I mean.

我们算出松阪快球的波长,是1,1乘以10的负31次方米。And what we find out is the wavelength of a Matsuzaka fastball is 1.1 times 10 to the -31 meters.

在面对像他这样的打击,并且预期一颗快速球的时候,我必须要能够投出其他的球种。I have to be able to throw other pitches in counts where a guy like that is expecting a fastball.

我相信他可以用他的伸卡球让打者失去平衡,再用他的速球送打者出局。I believe he can use the sinker to keep hitters offbalance and use the fastball to blow people away.

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只要他球数领先洋基打者,他需要用好球带上方的快速球和滑球。Once ahead of the Yankees hitters, he needs to use his fastball up in the strike zone and his slider.

人生就像一场棒球赛,当你觉得投手将投出一个快速直球时,你却必须做好打曲球的准备。Life is like a baseball game. When you think a fastball is coming, You gotta be ready to hit the curve.

老克在上周六投出不错的指叉球,但他还要多加点速度在他的快速球上。Clemens showed he still had his splitter Saturday, but he will have to gain more velocity with his fastball.