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再加上一些超级大盘低价入市的策略,也会对房价有抑制作用。Plus some super-market sales strategy, but also a disincentive for housing.

廉价的HFC-23额度妨碍了对于低碳发电厂的投资。Cheap HFC-23 credits are a disincentive to investing in low-carbon electricity plants.

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鉴于目前的知识产权制度,贫穷对创新具有抑制作用。Given current intellectual property regimes, poverty is a disincentive for innovation.

老板们为奥巴马医改所付的费用,对美国的再度产业化来说,正是一个最新款式的抑制性因素。The cost to employers of ObamaCare is just the latest disincentive to reindustrializing America.

山楂茎、叶煎剂对金黄色葡萄球菌和炭疽杆菌也有抑制作用。Hawthorn stem and leaf decoction of Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus anthracis is also a disincentive.

新化合物有可能被撤出市场,这种风险对新药物开发具有强大抑制作用。The risk that new compounds may be withdrawn from the market is a strong disincentive to new drug development.

我们怎们能支持法治的同时实施一种恰当的处罚和抑制措施,能让他们明年换一种作物?How do you support the rule of law while providing a proper penalty and disincentive so they switch crops next year?

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这种低水费阻碍了私营部门投资水事基础设施,也阻碍了消费者节约用水。Such low water charges are a disincentive for the private sector to invest in water infrastructure and for consumers to conserve water.

此外,在开放获取的出版模式下,研究者需要付费投稿或发表论文,从而“带来了一层妨碍知识交流的新屏障”。The society also says that publishing models in which researchers pay to submit or publish papers "introduce a new disincentive to the exchange of knowledge".

违反了这书面协议通常会遭受严重的经济处罚,而该罚也正是为防止雇员违反协议而专门设的。Violation of the agreement generally carries stiff financial penalties, agreed to in writing by the worker and designed to operate as a disincentive to going back on his word.

这对于那些在空闲时才进行实验性开发的业余开发者来说会起到巨大的抑制作用,同时,那些商业性的开发者们也会发现,他们随时会被单方面取消掉接触到相关数据的权限。This is a huge disincentive to casual experimentation and also to commercial developers who discover that their access to necessary data can be revoked unilaterally at any time.

在众多的儿童福利机构中看来,一个根本的问题是联邦的拨款制度,这一制度实际上不利于各个州减少他们的寄养人口。A fundamental problem, in the view of many child-welfare advocates, is the federal funding system — which in effect is a disincentive for states to reduce their foster care populations.

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此外,大萧条时期的高失业率对向美国移民从经济上产生了巨大抑制作用,第二次世界大战也阻碍了自愿移民。In addition, the high unemployment levels of the Great Depression created an enormous economic disincentive for immigrating to the United States, and World War II hindered voluntary migration.