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选择一个记录员.Choose a recorder.

那是一台新的录音机。That's a new recorder.

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卡尔买了一台录象机。Karl bought a video recorder.

竖笛拥有悠长的历史。A recorder has a long history.

他发明了两用收录机。He invented a few-way recorder.

他发明了两用收录机。He invented a two-way recorder.

请把录音机开响些。Please alter the recorder dhave.

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那人偷了我的录音机。The man acquired my tape recorder.

每台小汽车装着一台录音机。Each car is fitted with a recorder.

卡尔把录音机抢了过去。Carl snatched the tape recorder away.

影碟机你的录音机坏了。Your tape recorder is out of control.

把刻录机连接到电脑上。Connect the recorder to your computer.

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一台微型录音机,一只金表。One small tape recorder. One gold watch.

我的录音机你可以假座三天。You can keep my recorder for three days.

首先,测试记录器将初始化。First, the test recorder will initialize.

他在市法院当记录员。He works as a recorder in the city court.

你能教我怎样用这台录音机吗?Could you show me how to use the recorder?

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录音机被老师们上课时使用。The recorder is used in class by teachers.

录音机可使这交响曲重现。The tape recorder reproduced the symphony.

我想我已弄坏了你的盒式磁带录音机了。I think I've broken your cassette recorder.