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我请一个朋友向他写邮件说我是多么好的一个演讲者。I had a friend email him and tell him what a great panelist I was.

现在大家可以问问题了,可以问所有的嘉宾。Now it's your time to ask questions on any or all of the panelist.

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在这样的情况下,服务提供方因该有权决定指派替代的陪审员。In such event, the Provider shall have the discretion to appoint a substitute Panelist.

专家组不能形成多数意见时,裁决依首席专家的意见作出。Where the majority cannot be reached, the decision shall be decided by the Presiding Panelist.

根据规则第6条所指定的第三位专家是首席专家。The third Panelist appointed in accordance with Paragraph 6 of the Rules shall be the Presiding Panelist.

根据规则第6条所指定的第三位专家是首席专家。I. The third Panelist appointed in accordance with Paragraph 6 of the Rules shall be the Presiding Panelist.

不要忘了和所有人保持目光接触,而不仅仅是提问题的那个人。Don't forget to maintain eye contact with everyone on the panel and not just the panelist who asked the question.

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作者是南洋理工大学国立教育学院高级院士、文报咨询团成员。The writer is senior fellow of the national institute of education and asph chinese newspapers resource panelist.

布罗德,美国伊利诺伊州人,他因为全国广播公司的一档节目”会见新闻界“而为电视观众所熟知。Broder, an Illinois native, was familiar to television viewers as a frequent panelist on NBC's "Meet the Press" Program.

近期,老美国家科技院的学者小组亮相了对此类大鸟的更加多探讨结果。Recently, the panelist of Americ an country academy of sciences made public the more to this kind of curassow to study a result.

这个意外让一位组员回电说,加热是生产商用来防止生油变臭的,是精制过程的一个环节。This surprise led one panelist to recall that heating is part of the refining process that manufacturers use to deodorize raw oils.

而大多数这些小组是在向着前景软着陆,至少有一个委员坚持硬着陆可能是不可避免的。While most of those panelists are favoring the prospect of a soft landing, there is at least one panelist insists a hard landing might be inevitable.

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另一个小组成员有学院派的背景,在行业内是一个彻底的顾问,据说在光谱中反映出关键的结果。Another panelist from an academic setting, who does exhaustiveconsulting for industry, was said to reflect the middle spectrum on the issue of concern.

她是由美国信息技术协会及政府电子和IT协会最近主办的2008会议的小组辩论者。She was a panelist at the recent 2008 Vision Conference sponsored by the Information Technology Association of America and the Government Electronics and IT Association.

多亏采取了诸如限制“大盒子”商店,以及政府支持的历史遗迹保护,“佛蒙特州因其保存了这些特质的工作而变得独特。”一位评审员说。Thanks to measures such as limits on big-box stores and government-supported historic preservation, "Vermont has worked to preserve those qualities that make it unique, " one panelist said.

“它们太像了,”他开了个玩笑,然后让每个主讲人都进行评价,最近的电子阅读技术和平台的发展与“书的重新发明”有什么关系。"Theyare frighteninglysimilar, " he joked, and then asked each panelist to weigh in on whatrelevance recent ereading technology and platforms advances will haveon the "reinvention of the book."

“它们太像了,”他开了个玩笑,然后让每个主讲人都进行评价,最近的电子阅读技术和平台的发展与“书的重新发明”有什么关系。"They are frighteningly similar," he joked, and then asked each panelist to weigh in on what relevance recent ereading technology and platforms advances will have on the "reinvention of the book."

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这个14世纪摩尔人大本营的宫殿和花园是一个“有生之年不可不去的稀有目的地之一”,一个2009“目的地评选”评估团员说道。The palace and gardens of the 14th-century Moorish citadel make up "one of those rare must-see destinations that lives up to the hype, " said a panelist for the 2009 "Destinations Rated" scorecard.