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他的声音具有催眠作用。His voice hadan soporific effect.

我听到这催人入睡的音乐,便不知不觉打起盹儿来了。I dozed off during the soporific music.

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我感到他的讲课方式令人昏昏欲睡。I found his style of lecturing rather soporific.

竞选活动令人昏昏欲睡,但结果却令人吃惊。THE election campaign was soporific but the results are startling.

每当在单调的隆隆声中昏昏欲睡,就会有一个车站奇迹般地出现。Whenever monotony raised its soporific head, a station stop would miraculously appear.

抑或那只是当他心底里有事时所用的催眠剂?Or was it a sort of soporific he took, whilst something else worked on underneath in him?

在他一个小时催眠般的演讲后,演讲者没有收到观众任何掌声。After his soporific speech for an hour, the speaker received no applause from the audience.

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在正式场合,“和平崛起”很快被比较乏味的“和平发展”替代。" In official circles, the term soon morphed into the more soporific "peaceful development.

老天爷悲悯世人,他在一切沉闷的东西上都施加了催眠般的魔力。Providence, out of pity for mankind, has instilled a soporific charm into all tedious things.

与户外灿烂的阳光相比,室内的光线有种催眠效果,这对双胞胎尤其明显。In contrast to the blaze of sunlight outside, the inner light had a soporific effect, especially on the twins.

不过,考虑到睡眠障碍诊疗的数量和安眠药的销售量,看来,这种自然的保证也出现了问题。But given the rise in the number of sleep-disorder clinics and the sale of soporific drugs, even this one fundamental outlet for aloneness is in trouble.

那些坚持在催眠般权利思想的祭坛边祈祷的人,那些认为冲突已经成为过去的人——在不到20年的时间里被一扫而光。Those who insisted on worshiping at the altar of soporific right thinking—those who thought that conflict had become obsolete—were swept away in less than 20 years.

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这种通常不具有实质性意义的安全会议,今年在越南首都河内召开,美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿在会上宣称,南中国海是美国的“国家利益”。This usually soporific security talking-shop, held this year in Hanoi, saw Hillary Clinton, America’s secretary of state, declare the South China Sea a “national interest”.

索比越冬的抱负并不算最高,他不想在地中海巡游,也不想到南方去晒令人昏睡的太阳,更没想过到维苏威海湾漂泊。The hibernatorial ambitions of Soapy were not of the highest. In them were no considerations of Mediterranean cruises, of soporific Southern skies or drifting in the Vesuvian Bay.