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在窑工们的强烈要求下啊。At the adamant demand of kiln workers.

而且你像磁铁似的吸引我那铁的心。And thou like adamant draw mine iron heart.

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我想劝她,但她很坚决。I tried to talk her out of it.but she was adamant.

上校尤亚坚持说,布纳是安全的。But Colonel Janjua is adamant. He says Buner is safe.

很多官员在迟疑是否要保留这项政策。Most officials are adamant that the policy remains in place.

在我的公司,我们都非常赞同这一点,而我对这一种方式更是坚信不疑。And we are very good about it at my firm – I'm adamant about it.

帕默坚决要出席早餐会——这个会太重要了,不能取消。Palmer is adamant about the breakfast -- it’s too important to cancel.

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一枝枝,一条条,都是跳动着的充满生命活力的不屈的灵魂。Each of them is a living soul full of vitality. Hopping, energetic and adamant.

布朗尼的主人特德被这只暴怒的、不依不饶的小狗骚扰个不停。Ted, Brownie 's owner, was steadily harassed by the furious, adamant little dog.

那个一心复仇的女子决心惩罚罪犯,绝不动摇。The revenge-driven man was adamant in his determination to punish the criminals.

亚努科维奇坚称不必在西方和俄罗斯之间做出选择。Yanukovych is adamant that he doesn't have to choose between the West and Russia.

吉奥瓦尼固执地认为与巴萨签下一份新合同会更让他开心。Staying putGiovani is adamant that he is more than happy to sign a new deal at Barca.

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但是,我们三人中,克莉丝汀的态度最为明确,她说出了我们的心里话。But of the three of us, Crista was the most adamant , giving language to our feelings.

我一直坚持这个法案,因为小企业是我们经济的脊梁。I have been adamant about this because small businesses are the backbone of our economy.

不过,最坚决的反对者还是海军陆战队司令卡尔.芒迪将军。But the most adamant opponent was the commandant of the Marine Corps, General Carl Mundy.

然而在宣布决定几小时之后,塔尔德利却坚定地不愿透露更多讯息。A few hours after announcing his decision, Tardelli was adamant on not spilling the beans.

利物浦董事会成员承诺他们今夏不会转卖队中的主力球员。Liverpool board members are adamant they will not lose any of their top players this summer.

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地震,让全世界看到了一个全新的中国,一种坚强不屈的精神。The earthquake, has let the whole world see a brand-new Chinese, one kind of adamant spirit.

前几次我还坚决否认,后来我决定在床头柜上放一个录音机试试。After a few days of adamant denials, I decided to place a tape recorder on the bedside table.

在我出发前每个人都认为我不可能完成这样的挑战,但我坚信自己能做到。Before I set off, everyone told me the challenge was impossible, but I was adamant it wasn't.