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紫环点头。The purple wreath nods.

怎么了?没戴橡树叶的花圈?。What?No wreath of oak leaves?

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紫环,先坐下。Purple wreath sits down first.

我新近给你送上了一束玫瑰花。I sent thee late a rosy wreath.

她的面纱和花环都是白色的。Both her veil and wreath are white.

他们用花编成了一个花圈。They twisted flowers into a wreath.

亦或是美丽的容颜卸去了桂冠?Is it for beauty to forego her wreath?

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他们在用冬青枝编一个花圈。They were twining holly into a wreath.

他得摆好戴著月木樨冠的姿态。He had to pose wearing a laurel wreath.

在一个安全的绢花花圈线。Secure silk flowers in a wreath with wire.

把这样的花环挂在你的墙上或者前门上。Hang the wreath on your wall or front door.

嵌齿轮后来变为了一个桂冠。The cogwheel later became a laurel6 wreath.

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你能在我的右手腕上看道一个红色的花环。You can see a red wreath on my right wrist.

高丽仅向蒙古进献麤布一次。Korea to Mongolia only coarse cloth into a wreath.

“怎么样,紫俏?”紫环一脸紧张。"How, purple Qiao?"Purple wreath 1 face is nervous.

花环或花冠也在许多的歌曲与草裙舞中。The Lei or flower wreath is also in many songs and hulas.

用胶水把秋叶粘在花环上。Use craft glue to attach the autumn leaves to the wreath.

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你难道不在你茶色的鬃发上戴一个花环吗?Will you not tie up with a wreath your tawny coiled locks?

在响亮的号角声中花圈被献在纪念碑前。A wreath was laid on the monument to a fanfare of trumpets.

塔隆觉得这次蓬勒他们送来的花圈竟然还给我们加分了。Telon find wreath from the peng, they should also add cent.