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山沟沟里飞出花雀雀。The ravine flew out of sparrow finch.

斑胸草雀是一种来自澳洲的小型鸣禽。The zebra finch is a tiny Australian songbird.

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因为我知道相关方如何运作,芬奇。Because I know how the relevant side works, Finch.

保护他们的内奸。你都听见了吗,芬奇?To protect their mole. You getting all this, finch?

每天早晨醒来时还能听到燕雀的歌唱。We wake every morning to the sound of a finch singing.

有鸟雀常飞来飞去,叽叽喳喳着于人亲近。Finch had regular flying, and closed to chirp to a person.

制片厂打算让罗克·赫德森饰演阿提库斯·芬奇。The movie studio wanted Rock Hudson to play Atticus Finch.

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用不着我上场,芬奇。撒马利亚人还在抢活儿干。I didn't have to, Finch. Samaritan's still doing our job for us.

华伦等科学家最近来对斑胸草雀的基因组进行了解码。The zebra finch recently had its genome decoded by Warren et al.

头、胸和尾为紫红色的北美洲小雀鸟。North American finch having a raspberry-red head and breast and rump.

你有没有听说过斑胸草鸟,有没有见过蓝色蜂鸟?You ever heard of the zebra finch or seen a blue cervert hummingbird?

这些羽毛最后被证实确实是白翅迪卡雀的。The feathers were confirmed to belong to the White-winged Diuca Finch.

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有一种雀科小鸟学会捡起仙人掌针去戳得昆虫猎物。One species of finch learned to pick up a cactus needle to poke for insects.

现在,请收回丹尼斯的灵魂吧,你曾与我们分享他。Now take back the soul of Denys George Finch Hatton, whom You have shared with us.

在这张DVD,大卫芬奇,显示了他一步一步的绘制手和脚的过程。In this DVD, David Finch reveals his step-by-step process for drawing hands and feet.

当一只年轻的草雀学习如何唱歌的时候,他几乎是叫个不停,就好像那些哭个不停人类的新生儿一样。When the young finch is learning to sing, he almost "babbles" like a human baby would.

芬奇一个破皮,然后一小群形式和雌雀圈的血液。One finch breaks the skin and then a small crowd forms and the finches lap up the blood.

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我拿掉了试管口的棉花塞,把金色小鸟倒在我的掌心。I remove the cotton wadding from the mouth of a tube and shake a gold finch onto my palm.

竹鹦鹉草雀是还没有完全建立起来,因为他们没有现成的。The Bamboo parrot finch is still not fully established as they are not readily available.

芬奇在南边梅岗城任职,为人端正沉稳,常常不计报酬地为贫民们伸张公理。Finch Mockingbird in the south office, his integrity and calm, often gratuitous justice for the poor.