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租户放弃续租。If Lessee has signed a waiver.

不要用“出租人”和“承租人”。Don't say "Lessor" and "Lessee."

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租户不付租金,对方可把他逐出租地。The lessee can be evicted for non-payment of rent.

净租金—租户既付租金又付日常开销。Net Lease – Lessee pays rent and outgoings separately.

租赁契约是出租人和承租人之间达成的租用协议。Rent contract is a agreement between the lessor and the lessee.

租赁契约是出租人和承租人之间达成的租用协议。A lending contact is an agreement between a lessor and a lessee.

一切房屋、土地税均由承租方承担。Payment of all building and land taxes shall be borne solely by the Lessee.

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第二百三十五条租赁期间届满,承租人应当返还租赁物。Article 235 The lessee shall return the lease item at the end of the lease term.

租赁契约是出租人和承租人之间达成的租用协议。Charter contract is a rented agreement signed between the lessor and the lessee.

在出租人签署租赁合同之前,承租人必须要收到合同副本.Before the lessor signs the lease, the lessee must receive a copy of the contract.

第二百三十五条租赁期间届满,承租人应当返还租赁物。Article 235 The lessee shall return the leased property at the expiry of the lease term.

如购房人需要住户搬家,须经承租人同意并对其进行妥善安置。If people need housing tenants move, and their consent to the lessee properly resettled.

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出卖人或出租人是否就任何差额对买受人或承租人提出主张。Whether the seller or lessor has a claim for any deficiency against the buyer or lessee.

承租人提起,出租人同意。可将租赁物,转租第三人。Subject to consent by the lessor, the lessee may sublease the lease item to a third person.

反之,承租人的承租权也同样会因为该房屋被抵押而使相关的权益受到影响。Instead, the lessee will also lease which was collateralized by the related housing rights affected.

租赁合同地址页、租赁期限页以及承租人签名页的复印件,并交验正本。Copy of the certain Lease contract pages including address, Lease term and the lessee signature pages.

单位租赁该房屋的租赁合同地址页、租赁期限页以及承租人签名页的复印件,并交验正本。Copy of the certain pages of Lease contract including address, Lease term and the lessee signature pages.

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承租人同意将所租建筑保持良好状态,并不得任其损坏。The Lessee a GREes to maintain the leased building in good condition and not allow it to further deteriorate.

第一款出租人应在起租日保留所租房间的既有基本装修,即天花吊顶、地毯、电灯。The Lessor shall finish the Premises with wall to wall carpet, lighting, ceiling before renting to the Lessee.

在这两种情形下,出租人、承租人、次承租人相互间的法律关系如何,理论上均应阐明。We should clarify the legal relations among lessor, lessee and sub-lessee in terms of theory in the two cases.