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我将常常到比萨来。Shaz often 6e'caming to Pisa.

什么东西令到比萨塔倾斜?What makes the Tower of Pisa lean?

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可是比萨斜塔为什么会倾斜呢?In Pisa , I see the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

我最近乘坐二等车厢从比萨到了文蒂米利亚。I recently travelled second class from Pisa to Ventimiglia.

他称PISA测试结果不代表全中国的水准。He says the PISA results are not representative of all of China.

而从PISA的测试来看,世界上任何其他国家也没做到这一点。And from the PISA tests, neither does any other country on earth.

程教授认为Pisa的测试结果能反映了大致情况。Prof Cheng agrees the Pisa results reflect a broad cross section.

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从比萨斜塔这个例子中,我学到了很多。From in this example in Leaning Tower of Pisa , I learned a lot of.

谦逊的比萨斜塔、古朴的波西塔诺和意乱情迷的西西里。Leaning Tower of Pisa humble, ancient Sicily, Positano and distracted.

比萨斜塔位于意大利,是大教堂的钟楼。The Tower of Pisa is the bell tower of that city's cathedral in Italy.

该模拟器2010年初将有望在比萨空军基地投入使用。The simulator is expected to enter service in early 2010 at Pisa Air Base.

而维罗纳,维琴察,比萨和帕多瓦都对这名现年19岁的球员感兴趣。The 19 year-old is courting interest from Verona, Vicenza, Pisa and Padova.

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在每个大洲,Schleicher和PISA项目仍会引起一片批评声。Still, on almost every continent, Schleicher and PISA provoke a chorus of critics.

美国俄勒冈州、日本还有德国,现在他们在自己的水平测试里加入了PISA的测试题。Oregon, Japan, and Germany now include PISA questions on their own standardized tests.

比萨斜塔自1173年开始建造,不久之后就出现了地基不平的问题。Soon after building started in 1173, the foundation of the Pisa tower settled unevenly.

兰奇说,胡锦涛没有用咖啡和茶就赶往比萨的一个机场。Hu skipped coffee and tea, Mr. Renzi said, and made his way to a nearby airport in Pisa.

强迫透视效果在以月亮或比萨斜塔为主题的照片中最为常见。Forced perspective effect is mostly found in photos with the Moon or with the Tower of Pisa.

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准会的比萨是谴责了,什么都做,这是宣告无效。The quasi-council of Pisa is condemned, and everything done at it is declared null and void.

许多年过去了,我终于看到了那学习塔。那时我才明白,这是比萨,没有比萨饼。Many years later I finally saw the Learing Tower. I knew then that it was Pisa and not pizza.

海报上显示的是壮观的日落映衬下的绝美无比的比萨斜塔。My poster shows a stunning photo of the Leaning Tower of Pisa set against a spectacular sunset.