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切莫见难而止。Never boggle at a difficulty.

距离之大,不可思议。Vast distances boggle the mind.

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你使我的大脑迷离坠入思维谷底。You boggle my mind and you make me go blind.

一想到要花这麽多钱,连我都有点犹豫。Even I boggle at the idea of spending so much money.

产品转售权利踌躇你的头脑。Of products with resale rights will boggle your mind.

我得承认我被我iPhone上的“超级拼字”游戏迷住了。I admit it. I am hooked on playing Boggle on my iPhone.

对这个赚钱的机会我们不应犹豫。We shouldn't boggle at this opportunity to make a profit.

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我们没有理由要对资本收益税犹豫不决。There is no reason why we should boggle at a capital gains tax.

当然,里面的文化内容可能会让你摸不着头脑。Andof course, the cultural referencesarelikely boggle your mind.

如果我能保持这种趋势,我也许甚至可以成为一个世界级的拼字玩家!If I keep at it, I might even become a world class Boggle player.

当然,里面的文化内容可能会让你摸不着头脑。And of course, the cultural references are likely to boggle your mind.

但是,不管你走到中国的什么地方,你都会遇到让你瞠目结舌的工程。But wherever you go in China now, you come across projects that boggle the mind.

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谢耳朵玩儿的是克林贡拼字游戏,对其他普通游戏一律不感冒。Sheldon doesn't play the normal version of the word game Boggle — he plays Klingon Boggle.

你会叫韦伯斯特去玩猜字游戏吗?你会叫雅克·库斯托去玩钓鱼?。Would you ask noah webster to play boggle ?Would you ask jacques cousteau to play go fish?

我从来不理解,为什么那些能够相信上帝创造如此无限可能的人,却觉得魔鬼是不可思议呢?I have never understood why people who can swallow the enormous improbability of a personal God boggle at a personal Devil.

这些是一些他使用令人惊奇外行和魔术师的亚伦的接近被守卫的作用。These are some of Allan's most closely-guarded effects that he uses to boggle the minds of both laymen and magicians alike.

我和小小曾共度过一回周六的晚上,别人都出去了,我们在休息室里,玩填字游戏,辛君旁观。Once, Little and I spent a Saturday night, while everyone else was out, playing Boggle in the common room as Sin-Jun looked on.

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哥伦比亚大学教授吕克·弗雷谢特是设计人员之一,他认为,零件之间的分子引力会扰乱机件运转。Molecular attraction between the parts can boggle up the works, according to Columbia University professor Luc Frecheete, one of the engine's designers.