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她的丈夫是个积习难改的调情老手。Her husband is an incorrigible flirt.

人总是要犯错误的,但不可救药的却很少。Everyone makes mistakes, but few are incorrigible.

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癌症真的无药可救了吗?怎么治疗?怎么防御?。Is cancer incorrigible really? How to treat? How defence?

他没有改进,他们断定这匹小马已无药可救。When he didn't improve, they decided the colt was incorrigible.

他是个惯盗,已经入狱好几次了。He is an incorrigible thief and has been to the jail many times.

直到2013年五月,“身为无药可救的恶棍”是一项刑事罪。Until May 2013, "being an incorrigible rogue" was a criminal offence.

然而,我是一个病入膏肓的完美主义者,总是期望过高。But I am an incorrigible idealist, and my expectations are often high.

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或许会让他们老实点,说不定还可以清除掉那些死不悔改的法官。It might keep them honest and it might weed out the incorrigible ones.

这是因为男人们打心眼里就没把别的司机们当回事。This is because men have an incorrigible habit of taking fellow drivers for granted.

我很能干,什么事都经手,现如今我要把约会作为一个新的开始。As an incorrigible go-getter — with all things I do — I am getting a jump start on dating.

从另一方面来看,把朝鲜政权说的一无是处也是没有道理的。On the other hand, it was a mistake to see the regime as thoroughly incorrigible , he said.

能说说不可救药先生吗?除非用唱的他很性感,而且喜欢你。Can I say one thing about Mr. Incorrigible ?Only if you sing it. He is hot. And he likes you.

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那些屡教不改的腐败分子绝对逃不过党和政府严厉的审判。The corrupt elements who absolutely incorrigible party and the government can not escapeasevere trial.

变成主题会了,琼没错妈妈说爸爸无药可救了,就是说他爱上了别的女人。We have a theme, June. Yes, we do. And Mom says my dad is incorrigible. That means he likes other women.

但是,深谙宣传之道、极富娱乐精神的摩尔却懂得如何拼接镜头以博取眼球。But Moore, a master propagandist and incorrigible entertainer, knows how to assemble footage in piquant ways.

无可救药的马雷使作者的生活不同于任何其他狗主人的平凡生活。Marley, incorrigible though he was, had inserted himself into the author's life in a way no normal dog could.

我母亲很对他引以为豪,但我单方面认为我母亲是傻子,而且很傻,傻得不可救药!My mother is very proud of him, but I think my mother is a unilateral fool, And silly, incorrigible silliness!

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久而久之,他在日常生活上也变得口是心非,成为不可救药的大骗子。Over time, he has become in their daily lives speak with a forked tongue, become the largest incorrigible liar.

等到了青少年时代,她又被看成是“不可救药的”孩子,还一度被关进少年管教所劳教了两年。As an adolescent, she "earned" an additional label, "incorrigible" and was sentenced to two years in a reformatory.

但是问题是如何才能做到熟能生巧呢?当英语学习者不知道如何练习时,他难免会认为自己不可救药了。But the question is how, if a learner of English does not know how to practice, he must be irrevocably incorrigible.