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即使我不在,他也不会悲伤痛苦的。He won't be distressed by my absence.

我不知道为什么并且觉得很苦恼。I don’t know why and feel distressed.

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我就怕苦了他自己。I am afraid he has distressed himself.

什么事情使你如此苦恼?What are you looking so distressed about?

不要在工作时穿做旧的洞洞牛仔裤。No distressed jeans at work. No metal studs.

太可爱了这个人。Which distressed all the people of Chertsey.

他把我吓一跳,使我难过极了!He has startled and distressed me shockingly!

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经理因过度操劳而精疲力竭。The manager was distressed by excessive work.

正视恐惧,直到你感到窘迫为止。Confront the fear until you become distressed.

大家都不会因为少水而感到苦恼。Everyone not because less water and distressed.

他把毕生精力贡献给医学研究工作。He devotes himself to relieving the distressed.

如果你们不熟悉这个,没关系的。Don't be distressed if you're unfamiliar with it.

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他会极度迷惑和忧伤。He will be extremely disorientated and distressed.

耶和华大怒,摩西跟着痛苦。The Lord was very angry, and Moses was distressed.

母亲逝世的噩耗令我极为悲痛。The news of my mother's death distressed me greatly.

故意磨损或颜色黯淡的牛仔裤会让他很苦恼。Intentionally frayed or distressed jeans distress him.

面对子虚乌有的诽谤我感到很苦恼。I felt quite distressed at being untruthfully slandered.

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听到你妻子去世的消息我很难过。I am much distressed to hear the mews of your wife's death.

如今我们正从危机证券中寻找投资机会Today,we're looking at opportunities in distressed securities.

年轮一圈圈的密集,能回忆的故事却少的心疼。Dense ring of a circle, to recall the story is less distressed.