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这艘油轮在一个沙洲上搁浅了。The oil tanker ran aground on a sandbank.

他们的帆船搁浅在沙丘上了。Their yacht was left high and dry on a sandbank.

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还有饥饿的鲨鱼惊吓沙丘上的泳客。And hungry sharks scare swimmers on the sandbank.

原来的沙滩如今变成了米粮川。What was formerly a sandbank has now become fertile paddy fields.

我们的游艇停泊在靠近河对岸的一个沙洲旁。Our house-boat is moored to a sandbank on the farther side of the river.

上搁浅之前,他们在划船比赛中一直是领先的。They were winning the boat race until their boat ran aground on a sandbank.

海面上有片浅沙洲,沙滩上潮水已退。A shallow sandbank had appeared in the sea and the water had receded from the beach.

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所以我们朝上游方向走,到了一处沙坝,一处熊迹比人迹还多的地方,开始我们的钓鱼。So heading upstream, to a sandbank where the bear prints outnumber the human prints, we fished.

沉船大约沉没于1970年代,是来自几内亚或利比里亚的船只,在这里触上沙坝而沉没的。The wreck itself is a boat from Guinea or Liberia that hit a sandbank here at some time in the 1970s.

有专家认为,这个沙坝阻挡了席卷而来的水流,由此形成的巨大漩涡将船只无情倾没。One theory was that this sandbank had blocked flowing waters and generated huge whirlpools that engulfed vessels.

并用该粘土矿对湟中县甘河滩工业废水进行吸附性能研究。And conducts the adsorption performance study with this pottery mine to the Huangzhong County Gansu sandbank industrial waste.

我把帐篷搭在通向村庄的沙滩上,大人们在四周徘徊,蹲下来研究我达几个小时。I pitch my tent on a sandbank across from the village, and adults wander over to sit on their haunches and study me for hours.

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计算显示潮流是发育大型辐射沙洲和造成岸线和海底侵蚀与淤长的重要原因。The computational results show that tidal flows play dominant roles in the formation of sandbank and also in erosion or deposition of the coast.

19世纪,当英国人和法国人获准在此设立仓库时,沙面岛只不过是一处小小的沙洲。Back in the 19th century, Shamian was little more than a sandbank when the British and French were granted permission to set up their warehouses here.

沙面岛呈泪状,和大陆只有几座桥梁连接,厚重的铁门禁止任何中国人上岛。The tear-shaped sandbank was connected to the mainland by several bridges, with staunch iron gates that prohibited any Chinese from entering the island.

作为地理名词,“科尔沁”的地域大致与今天的内蒙古东部的沙丘地带重合,地貌学上称这一沙丘地带为“科尔沁沙地”。As a geographical name, its terrain is equal to the sandbank territories now in the east of Inner Mongolia, which is called in relief as Horquin Sandlot.

谷歌地图现在将这一沙滩标为斯卡伯勒浅滩,是对这一被包括菲律宾在内的,许多不同国家共同声称主权区域的,一个更为中立的称呼。资料照。Google Maps now refers to the sandbank as Scarborough Shoal, the more neutral reference to the area being claimed by different countries, including the Philippines. File photo.

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东沙是江苏岸外辐射沙脊群中的第二大沙洲,具有独特的地形地貌和水动力条件,对它进行稳定性研究为揭示整个辐射沙洲及其邻近岸滩的动态演变都非常有益。So the stability study of the Dongsha sandbank is very helpful to the analysis of the stability of the whole radial submarine sand ridges system and the neighboring tidal flat.

对沙坝泻湖海岸潮汐通道的稳定性进行分析,探讨南方沙坝泻湖水道稳定的工程措施。This paper analyzes the stability of tidal waterway on the coast of sandbank and lagoon and discusses the engineering measures for the stability of sandbank and lagoon waterway in Southern China.