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结果是明显的凯恩斯主义者。And the results were clearly Keynesian.

这个时代的赤字鹰派就是下个时代的凯恩斯主义者。One era’s deficit hawk is another era’s Keynesian.

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不过,凯恩斯主义的胜利是有代价的。There was a cost to this Keynesian victory, however.

LM模型是凯恩斯理论体系的主要分析工具。IS-LM analysis is is a major tool of Keynesian theory.

最后,必须驱逐有关储蓄的凯恩斯主义迷思。Finally, the Keynesian myth of hoarding must be dispelled.

按照凯因思的观点,这个议题是属政治而非经济问题。In Keynesian terms, the issue was much more one of politics than economics.

在战后几年财政部曾是凯恩斯主义需求管理的中心。In the post-war years the Treasury was a hub for Keynesian demand management.

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但这远非是对凯恩斯主义基本认识之需求问题的驳斥。But that’s very far from rejecting the basic Keynesian insight that demand matters.

蒂克尔的提议可以代表典型的凯恩斯学解决经济危机的方法。Tickell's proposal could represent a classic Keynesian solution to economic crisis.

他在文中概括了有关储蓄、消费和政府开支的凯恩斯主义观点。In it, he sums up the Keynesian views on saving, consumption, and government spending.

有趣的是,它也是经济学新制度主义与凯恩斯主义模型的典型实例对比。It is also interestingly, a classic case of Smithian vs. Keynesian models of regulation.

这只不过证实了凭借常识和初级凯恩斯理论就能预见到的情形。This only confirms what common sense and elementary Keynesian theory would lead one to expect.

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任何新的凯恩斯主义都会告诉你,哈兹里特是正确的关于旧凯恩斯主义的经济计划。Any New Keynesian will tell you that Hazlitt was right about the Old Keynesian economic program.

这样的做法让该银行发现在错误语境下称赞凯恩斯政策是件危险的事情。In doing so, the bank discovered the hazards of praising Keynesian policies in the wrong context.

标准的经济模型,比如新凯恩斯模型中的"拐点"并不能预测危机。Standard economic models, such as the "workhorse" new Keynesian model, did not predict the crisis.

我担心主流凯恩斯主义宏观经济学不过是“造作工作成见”的花哨伪装。I worry that mainstream Keynesian macroeconomics is little more than fancy camouflage for make-work bias.

还有一个可能是,我们所有的凯恩斯主义提振措施干扰了自然的供求平衡。Or it could be that all our Keynesian tinkering is messing with the natural balance of supply and demand.

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新凯恩斯主义学说的核心是所谓的动态随机一般均衡模型。At the heart of the New Keynesian doctrine stands the so-called dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model.

如果我们重新预读克鲁格曼在图标上的评论,也就是他说的凯恩斯主义者的分析方法。If you reread Krugman's commentary on his chart, that's exactly what he himself says the Keynesian story means.

当抑制型预算增加时,增长率一开始确实会根据凯恩斯定律而下降。When a restrictive budget is added, growth does indeed decrease at first, due to standard Keynesian principles.