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这就是交换律You say this is a commutative law.

自然的交换链接也很重要。Natural commutative link is very important also.

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但是两两结合的运算并不总是可交换的But the law of composition is not always commutative.

可解方程的群都是交换群。The groups of the solvable equations are commutative.

规则可以用于交换和非交换代数。Rules can also be used for commutative and noncommutative algebra.

学生需要对交换代数和基本拓扑学有一定的?解。The central notion in commutative algebra is that of a prime ideal.

本课程可以和18.705交换代数一起学习。The course may be taken concurrently with 18.705, Commutative Algebra.

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交换半群的极小理想如果存在的话是个群。The minimal ideal of a commutative semigroup , when it exists, is a group.

可交换的写操作简化了新数据块的创建流程。Commutative writes also simplify the process of bringing up new partitions.

然后确定通信接口以及交换协议。Then ascertain the communications interface as well as commutative protocol.

学生需要对交换代数和基本拓扑学有一定的瞭解。Students should have some familiarity with commutative algebra and basic topology.

选择、判断、简答、案例以及论述都可以互相的变通。Choice, judgement, brief answer, case and it is OK to discuss commutative flexible.

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推导了转换的概率流方程并给出了其定态解。The commutative equation of probability flow is deduced and its definite solution is given.

置换的乘法不同于数的乘法,它并不一定满足交换律。Multiplication of permutations, unlike multiplication of numbers, is not always commutative.

然而,市场经济的实质是交换经济、货币经济、金融经济。However, the essence of market economy is commutative economy, money economy, finance economy.

结论是交换超算符方法的理论基础是李代数。The conclusion is that the theoretical foundation of commutative hyper-operator method is Lie algebra.

本文进一步讨论了交换环上辛群的正规子群的标准性问题。The standardization question of the normal subgroups over commutative rings has been further discussed.

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作为预备工作,我们给出了一些关于交换环上矩阵特征值的基本结论。As a preliminary, we establish several basic facts about eigenvalues of matrices over commutative rings.

本文在BCK-代数中引进正合交换图的概念,证明了BCK-代数同志映射的核与上核的泛性定理。In this paper we introduce the concepts of exact sequences and their commutative diagram in BCK-algebras.

本文研究了含幺可换环上一般线性李代数的子代数结构。In this paper, we study the subalgebra structure of the general linear Lie algebras over commutative rings.