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真正的铜墙铁壁是什么?What is a true bastion of iron?

就在去年,最后的堡垒陷落了。Last year the final bastion fell.

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我们的家成了最后一个堡垒。The last bastion will be the home.

同志们,真正的铜墙铁壁是什么?Comrades! What is a true bastion of iron?

启蒙的堡垒,到底发生了什么?Bastion of enlightenment what's going on?

基地,护士菲奥娜.麦格林正检查她的手枪。Nurse Fiona McGlynn checks her pistol at Camp Bastion.

英国人对于“帝国的铜墙铁壁”的信仰是有感染力的。The British belief in the "bastion of Empire" was infectious.

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在太阳风吹拂下,这个磁场起到堡垒的作用。The magnetic field operates like a bastion in the face of solar winds.

这所神学院是在约旦河西岸建设犹太人定居点的主要支持者。The seminary was a bastion of the settlement movement in the West Bank.

美国迄今并永远是自由和民主的中流砥柱。America is still and always will be the bastion for Freedomand Democracy.

在2007年我作为一个摄影师,第一次来到基地,作现场报告。As a photographer, I first came to Camp Bastion in 2007, reporting for Live.

用Eagleton话说就是,耶稣向“统治阶级的堡垒”发起了攻击。In Eagleton's words, this was Christ's attack on the "bastion of the ruling class".

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而新的动议将开始侵蚀这片俄国新闻自由的最后据点。New proposals would begin to erode the last bastion of press freedom in the country.

目前驻扎在阿富汗巴斯营地和坎大哈的英军是调查问询的主要对象。The inquiry is focusing on service personnel at airports in Camp Bastion and Kandahar.

为了保住这最后的、最伟大的自由堡垒,我们必须尽我们所能。To do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom.

要知道“资源配置”是苏联式中央计划的最后堡垒。Realize that "resource allocation" is the last bastion of Soviet-style central planning.

它变成一个幸运与快乐的堡垒,人们都渴望成为其中的一分子。It became a bastion of happiness and joy that many people wanted so much to be a part of.

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随心所欲的博客世界好似真正的自由言论的最后一个堡垒。The freewheeling world of the blogosphere seems like the last bastion of truly free speech.

西南联大被称为西南后方的“民主堡垒。”The Southwest Associated University was dubbed a bastion of democracy in the southwestern year.

卡扎菲周四死于他的家乡苏尔特,这里是他的最后据点。Gaddafi was killed by fighters who overran his home town and final bastion of Sirte on Thursday.