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“要多长时间?”我问司旗手。"How long's this gonna take?" I asked the flagman.

此外,瓦良格号真是一艘漂亮的巡洋舰,是舰队的真正旗舰。Besides, Varyag is just a beautiful ship and a real flagman of the Fleet.

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经营“旗手体育”网店的店主也被刑拘。Manage " flagman sports " the merchant of net inn also by punishment arrest.

野间宏是日本现代著名作家,是“战后派”文学的开拓者和旗手。Being a great Japanese writer, Ye Jianhong was pathbreaker and flagman of Post-war Group.

阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦,是20世纪最伟大的自然科学家,物理学革命的旗手。Einstein, is the greatest natural science of 20 centuries house, the flagman of the physics revolution.

这四艘舰艇由医护舰额尔齐斯和太平洋舰队的旗舰瓦良格号巡洋舰环绕。The four ships are surrounded by the hospital ship Irtysh and flagman of the Pacific Fleet, Varyag cruiser.

作为康熙前期诗坛旗手,其诗史观对矫正清初世俗诗风,使诗歌创作回归现实主义传统,起到了积极的作用。As a flagman , he played an active role in correcting early Qing's poetic ways and bringing poetry creation back to the realism tradition.

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一名年轻勤杂工艾哈迈德·阿沙哈特,同时作为“旗手“的角色,占领建筑物并将上面的以色列国旗换成埃及国旗。A young handyman, Ahmed al-Shahhat, now known as "Flagman", scaled the building and replaced the Israeli flag flying there with an Egyptian one.

清初著名出版家、诗人邓汉仪,不仅创作了一批优秀的诗歌作品,而且在清初诗学建构过程中是一个重要的旗手。Deng Hanyi, an outstanding publisher and poet in the early Qing Dynasty, writes lots of excellent poems, and he is also a flagman in the course of constituting the early Qing poetics.

上个月,一名叫做埃赫门·阿沙哈特的被称为“旗手”的年轻人,把以色列建筑外墙上标志犹太人的大卫之星涂成了巴基斯坦标志,而被人们赞为民族英雄。Last month a young man called Ahmed al-Shahat, dubbed "the flagman", was hailed as a national hero for scaling the Israeli building and replacing the Star of David with a Palestinian banner.