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卫星船站的接受电平不稳定。The receiving level of the INMARSAT SES is not stable.

他经济局局长还有一次双曲正割战斗由于那一个'日'战争'偷取生命超过。He ses one more sech fight as that an' th' war 'll be over.

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高度表,激活了双方经济局局长和PES的,目前正在兴建的。The altimeter, which activates both the SES and PES, is presently being built.

方法采用青少年生活事件量表、应付方式问卷、自尊量表对341名学生进行调查。Methods Making use of the scales of ASLEC, SES and CSQ to investigate 341 students.

从事因定运动为男性、都市居民、高教育程度及社经地位者的特质。Male, urban residents, people of high education and SES tended to exercise regularly.

如我遇见你,事隔多年,我如何面对你,以沉默以眼泪。If I should ses thee, after long years. How should I agree thee?With silence and tears.

对其他类型的问题,需要用极限平衡分析法。For other clas- ses of problem, limiting equilibrium methods of analysis may be required.

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文中讨论了阈值条件,谱线宽度与泵浦功率间关系。The dependence of threshold and linewidth of SES on the power of pump light is discussed.

奥斯本还指出,经济局局长拥有阳光,以便有效地转化为可用能源的世界纪录。Osborn also noted that SES holds the world's record for efficiently converting sunlight to usable energy.

那个老宫女立刻穿上套鞋,以同样的速度在后面追赶。That old maid-in-waiting immediately put ons the overshoe ses with the speed that same chase in the behind.

血流速度的减慢、血流量的不足是导致脑梗死的直接原因。The decrease of blood flow speed and the deficiency of blood flow are the immediate cau ses of the infarct.

结论西罗莫司洗脱支架和金属裸支架在冠心病患者中应用的远期安全性相似。Conclusion The long-term safety of SES appeared comparable with BMS in patients with coronary artery disease.

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市场经济条件下,厂商将其供给量调整到合理水平所需的费用可称为微观调节成本。Micro-adjustment cost refers to the exper ses needed to adjust a firm's supply to a reasonable level in market economy.

船站不能跟踪卫星,判断可能是罗经复示器接口有故障。The SES antenna cannot keep track of the satellite, probable diagnosis is the interface failure from the gyro repeater.

船站不能跟踪卫星,判断可能是罗经复示器接口有故障。The SES antenna cannot keep tracks of the satellite, probable diagnosis is the interface failure from the gyro repeater.

当你考虑到被调查者是来自全国不同社会经济地位和不同种族时,你就不会奇怪了。Not when you consider that the participants in this survey research represented the entire nation, at all SES and ethnicities.

SES救援队在曩昔两天内总共收到928条救援恳求,首要是装沙袋、洪水众多和倒下地树地问题。SES teams have had 928 requests for assistance over the past two days, mainly for sand bagging, water inundation and downed trees.

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而并没有调查个人的社会经济状况中不同要素如将于程度与癌症死亡率的关系。Investigators have not previously examined the association of individual SES components, such as education level, with cancer mortality.

近年来迅速发展的纳米材料科学为表面增强荧光技术的研究提供了丰富的衬底资源和制作检测技术。The rapid development of nanomaterial science has provided abundant resources for substrate preparation and characterization in the study of SES.

今后的技术研究将朝着使销售份额增大的方向发展,厂商正致力于探求新的洗涤基剂和温和化剂。In future the technique research will develop towards increasing sales share, the formulators are seeking new detergent ba- ses and mildening agents.