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然后你就读了西德尼·谢尔顿的小说,是吧?And then you read a Sidney Sheldon novel, right?

谢尔顿告诉我你只有个硕士学位。Sheldon tells me you only have a master's degree.

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谢尔顿,你懂啥叫勒索吗?Sheldon do you understand the concept of blackmail?

而晓东的行动更激汤出万丈波澜。And Sheldon is action more cream soup out of light waves.

小谢跟专家们可以就任意主题争辩不休,这对他已经习以为常了。Sheldon is no stranger to arguing with experts on any subject.

“Sheldon向来觉得自己唯一的真爱就是科学,”Prady说。"Sheldon feels his one and only true love is science, " says Prady.

比起谢耳朵这个难对付的室友,莱纳德已经见识过更糟糕的东西了。Leonard has now seen worse days than Sheldon being a difficult roommate.

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因为谢尔顿根本就没有一个,吸毒的叫里奥珀德的表弟。太遗憾了。Because sheldon doesn't have A drug-addicted cousin leopold. Oh, too bad.

游走于网游角色扮演的虚拟世界,在柯南时代兴许你会见到一个叫“谢耳朵”的人。Sheldon is the person to see when questing in MMORPGs, such as Age of Conan.

索罗和斯代芬没有回复要求置评的电话。Sheldon Solow and Stefan Solow didn't return telephone calls seeking comment.

影片改编自沃尔特·基恩的小说,雷特曼和谢尔登·特纳一道撰写了电影的剧本。Reitman co-wrote the script with Sheldon Turner, adapting Walter Kirn's novel.

Lumeng和Sheldon都建议尽量保证固定的睡眠时间表。Both Lumeng and Sheldon recommended trying to keep a consistent sleep schedule.

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如果你还在为自己的401计划损失心痛不已,不妨想想谢尔登·阿德尔森的遭遇聊以****。If you are feeling bad about your 401 losses, consider the case of Sheldon Adelson.

虽然没能出生在亚当·韦斯特饰演蝙蝠侠的那个年代,谢耳朵却是他的忠实粉丝。Even though he wasn’t born when Adam West played the role of Batman, Sheldon is a fan.

以下是谢耳朵和他室友莱纳德之间的一段bazinga对话Following is a typical “bazinga” conversation between Sheldon and his roommate Leonard

谢耳朵玩儿的是克林贡拼字游戏,对其他普通游戏一律不感冒。Sheldon doesn't play the normal version of the word game Boggle — he plays Klingon Boggle.

谢耳朵不仅广泛收集漫画书,他还对书中的内容了如指掌。Sheldon not only has an extensive comic book collection, but he is fully aware of its contents.

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谢耳朵分别在他和佩妮的公寓测算了最佳就坐位置。Sheldon computed the optimal seating position in his apartment and his neighbor Penny's apartment.

Sheldon是搞弦论的理论物理学家,而弦论也预言了磁单极子的存在。Sheldon is a string theorist, and string theory also predicts the existence of magnetic monopoles.

在匹兹堡的卡耐基梅隆大学,谢尔登科恩的使志愿者感染伤风及流感病毒。At Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Sheldon Cohen infected people with cold and flu viruses.