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你是否把爱情与痛苦等同起来了?Do you equate love with pain?

我们不能把强权视为公理。We cannot equate might with right.

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这两部小说差得太远了,怎么能等量齐观呢?How can you equate one with the other?

我并不认为污垢就等于死亡和腐臭。I don’t equate dirt with death and decay.

我们不能把勤俭和吝啬等同起来。We must not equate thrift with stinginess.

你不可以把他的诗歌和他的剧本相提并论。You cannot equate his poems with his plays.

人们不应把财富等同于幸福。One should not equate wealth with happiness.

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沃尔特把自然的平衡和上帝划等号吗?。Did Walter equate the balance of nature with God?

谨记,人们把怀疑态度等同于智慧。Always remember people equate skepticism with wisdom.

旱期教育不等同于教育训练。Pre-school education is not equate to education training.

我们倾向于把嫉妒与卑鄙、自私相等同。We tend to equate jealousy with pettiness and selfishness.

难道保护不等同于根据需要得到治疗么?Does protection not equate to receiving healings, as needed?

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在日常生活,我们常把焦点等同于专心。In ordinary life, we tend to equate focus with concentration.

然而,欧洲的反叛并非真正意义上的革命。Yet, the revolts in Europe did not equate to true revolution.

您可以将视图的概念与对象接口等同起来。You could equate the concept of VIEWS to an object interface.

然而,证据的缺乏并不等同于没有证据。Yet absence of evidence does not equate to evidence of absence.

但是将合作生产和反资本主义则是错误的。But it's a mistake to equate peer production with anticapitalism.

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不过,要是把群众生产同反资本主义划上等号那就错了。But it’s a mistake to equate peer production with anticapitalism.

我不这样认为。不可能把财富和幸福划等号。I don't think so. It's impossible to equate wealth and happiness.

如今,越来越多的女人把着装性感视为美丽动人。Now, more and more women equate dressing sexily with being pretty.