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但是小天狼星没有出现。But Sirius did not reappear.

他们会在后方重新组合出现。It would regroup and reappear in the rear.

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一个小时很快过去了,麦可和艾米丽重新出现了,面带笑容。Marco and Emily reappear with smiling faces.

就象棵树确信所有的枝叶将会重生。Just as a tree is sure its leaves will reappear.

清洁水区的动物群落将会重现。The clean water animal association tends to reappear.

在此之后,食肉类动物才会在海洋中再次出现。Only later did the larger predators reappear in the oceans.

如今诅咒已经被解除,近一个世纪都没有再出现过。The curse had been lifted, not to reappear for nearly a century.

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S2U2为什么有时解锁后又立即回到锁定状态?Q. S2U2 sometimes reappear by itself immediately after an unlock?

有些人在怀疑他们的亲人是否还会再次出现。Some are wondering whether or not their loved ones will reappear.

我发现它们抗逆性强,今年夏天也有望再现。I have found them hardy, and hopefully they will reappear this summer.

如果你重复那个有问题的习惯,那问题就会再次出现。If you repeat habits that created a problem, the problem will reappear.

雨水渗入地下以泉水的形式涌上来。The rain seeps underground and the water may reappear later as springs.

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这原是痛苦的特点,苦极往往使人儿时的稚气重现出来。It is the property of grief to cause the childish side of man to reappear.

你怎么不下去呀——你希望我重新出现在你生活中吗?虽然我恨你。Why not go upstairs? U want me to reappear in your life, I hate u ,though?

仔细观察,作为球体消失,一次又一次地重新出现在镜头前。Watch carefully as the orbs disappear and reappear again and again on camera.

经过三个月的治疗,这个运动员终于伤愈复出了。After three month's treatment, the sportsman finally recovered and can reappear.

里德先生的提议中,其中大部分是获得奥巴马支持的,将无疑不会再出现。Mr Reid’s proposals, many of which Barack Obama favours, will no doubt reappear.

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他们可能会出现在你面前,或出现在你的思想,感情和梦想中。They may reappear in physical form, or through your thoughts, feelings and dreams.

那么如今,这些远古生物是如何重现在动物体内的呢?How, then, might these ancestral forms reappear today inside the bodies of animals?

当市场风雨飘摇,经济摇摇欲坠之际,当彩虹再现的之时,大抵就是黄金价格飚升的时候了。Its price tends to soar when times are stormy and crash when the rainbows reappear.