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我在这上网冲浪。I'm surfing the net.

你想去冲浪吗?Do you like to go surfing?

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你经常冲浪吗?Have you been surfing a lot?

这儿能乘风冲浪吗?Can we go wind- surfing here?

今天冲浪怎么样?。What's the surfing lide today?

我爱冲浪和沙滩排球。I love surfing and sand volleyball.

冲浪好像很难学。Surfing seems really difficult to learn.

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但你不知道,从网上冲浪网。But you wouldn't know that from surfing the Net.

或者去位于孟加拉湾中部的布莱尔港冲浪。Or go surfing in Port Blair in the Bay of Bengal.

你可以边上网边听音乐!You can listen to your music while surfing the Web!

正是我当天在网上看到的那一张。The photo I had found earlier that day while surfing.

尝试每天花享受微风轻拂的冲浪浪!Try spending a breezy day enjoying surfing the waves!

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我想,我们这一辈有的是,沙发冲浪。What our generation has, I thought, is couch surfing.

长板运动员在冲浪中主要靠平衡和动作的优雅取胜。Longboarders rely on balance and grace in their surfing.

上网冲浪的一个好处就是它能使我们获得娱乐。An advantage of surfing on line is that it entertains us.

我用电脑,只是为了写写文章,上上网什么的。I just use the computer for essays, surfing the web, etc.

在事情、上彀以及玩游戏时掩护您的电脑。Protects your PC as you are working, surfing and playing.

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他们只会去看重播,或者去上网。They simply turned to watching reruns or surfing the Web.

船型公交车,是英国一种可以在泰晤士河上游弋的公交车。The Boat Bus, a british bus capable of surfing the Thames.

作为电脑高手的汤姆总喜欢在网上冲浪。Being a computer talent, Tom liked surfing on the Internet.