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充满理想主义。There was a lot of idealism.

理想主义有着现实的意义。There is real value in idealism.

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唯心论和唯物论是对立的。Idealism is opposite to materialism.

康德和黑格尔发展了唯心主义。Kant and Hegel have developed idealism.

她猛烈抨击他的虚伪的理想主义。She blasted away at his false idealism.

这是实际与理想主义相结合。That's practical idealism coupled together.

理想主义和善意是不够的。Idealism and good intentions are not enough.

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一个唯心主义的游戏,只有你看到的才是存在的。A idealism game, only you see it is it exist.

他们讲唯心论,我们讲唯物论。They persue idealism as we persue materialism.

千万不要失去年少时的理想哦。Do not lose your youthful idealism for the world.

他们同样拥有很多的野心、意图和理想主义。They also have a lot of ambition, drive and idealism.

但我认为,更多的问题是一种理想主义的存在。But I think, more than that, it's a matter of idealism.

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以前我从没有欣赏过唯心主义,尽管我仍然接受不了。I never appreciated idealism before. Yet I can't accept it.

张承志始终高扬着道德理想主义的大旗。Zhang Chengzhi always spreads moral idealism in his novels.

她是一个充满浪漫,激情和理想注意的女画家。She is a romantic female artist full of passion and idealism.

李人的情爱叙事具有理想的色彩和“神话”品格。Li Jeren s love narrative is full of idealism and myth colors.

“关于“地球”的实用主义和理想主义一样多。As much as idealism there really is a pragmatism to Earthships.

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是风格化的、偏于表现派理想主义美学倾向。The movie is thus more of an expressionist idealism aesthetics.

我们是反对历史唯心论的历史唯物论者。We are historical materialists, opposed to historical idealism.

从那个时刻起,在后来整个2008年,我能看到这种理想主义。From that moment on, the rest of 2008, I could see that idealism.