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作者的自私控诉和恶毒一起沸腾了。The author's self-serving indictment seethes with malevolence.

我常常觉察到,在他温文尔雅的下面掩藏着一种恶意。I had always been aware of a frame of malevolence under his urbanity.

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有一个世界的区别简单的人为错误和有预谋的恶意。There is a world of difference between simple human error and premeditated malevolence.

因此,从他早期的心路历程我们大概可以追寻到黑魔王心狠手辣现状的真实起源。It is in upbringing that the true origins of the malevolence of the Dark Lord may be traced.

英雄总是正义和侠义的,坏蛋总是邪恶和刻毒的。The heroes are always decent and cavalier, while scoundrels are always malevolence and vicious.

如果造化弄人,没有让托尼·布莱尔弄到那个我们英国人从没见过的肥缺的话,那真是一场悲剧。It would be such a tragedy if TB, by some malevolence of fate, turned into the greatest President of Europe we never had.

我觉得他们不断改变规则,但大多出于无聊,马文的情况下,我一定意义背后恶意。I think they keep changing the rules mostly out of boredom but, in Marvin's case, I sense a certain underlying malevolence.

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对于我错乱的理智来说更是恐惧,因为对于盲目且不小心的恶意束手无策。to my disordered reason all the more terrifying for that, as the approach of some blind and mindless malevolence to which is no appeal.

也可能是,医生当时没有像平素那样小心地掩饰他看着自己的牺牲品时的那种恶毒样子。Or it might well be that the physician was not careful then, as at all other times, to hide the malevolence with which he looked upon his victim.

先前的校园大屠杀场景还历历在目,快速闪现的是这种我们不可理解的暴力与恶意的一幕幕镜头。The sites of prior school massacres are etched on our minds, a symbolic shorthand for the violence and malevolence that none of us can comprehend.

注意,当在太空计划中发现新事物时,我们会有几个间歇的时间,然后准备外太空的恶毒威胁考虑进去。Notice there were several lulls in our space program as we found out new things, and then geared up to take into account the malevolence of outer space.

拥有智能的人类并不聪明到足以吸取教训,人的智能甚至有可能恶性发作而危及到人自身的存在。Humans have minds but are not intelligent enough to learn from the past and when malevolence flares up in the human mind it can endanger human survival itself.

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若成功,格里沃斯能一举歼灭六万的克隆人伤兵。但是这一阴谋被安纳金·天行者将军和阴影中队的飞行员们截获并阻止。If successful, Grievous would have wiped out 60,000 convalescing clones, but the Malevolence was intercepted and crippled by General Anakin Skywalker and the pilots of Shadow Squadron.

剧本中,安纳金最初的登上“恶毒”号的计划包括一个胆大包天的超空间小跳跃,把“曙光”号放到离敌舰外壳只有几厘米的地方。In the script, Anakin's original plan to board the Malevolence included a foolhardy hyperspace micro-jump that would have deposited the Twilight just centimeters away from the enemy ship's hull.

在执行摧毁分离主义分子的星际飞船“毒牙号”的任务时,她见过他是如何地担心那位参议员,当他无意中发现她在战斗中被俘时他是如何地恐慌。She saw how much he worried about that senator during their mission to destroy the Seperatist's starship Malevolence , how panicked he was when he discovered her inadvertently ending up in the battle.