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其中之一是音高。One is pitch.

那球投得好。That was a good pitch.

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击球手放过这个投球没打。The batter took the pitch.

你能唱出这个音调吗?Can you sing the bass pitch?

滑球是另一种球路。The slider is another pitch.

他触击第一个投球。He bunted at the first pitch.

歌声更是荒腔走板,五音不全。His song is out of the pitch.

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让我们来把那个醉汉撵出去。Let's pitch the drunkard out.

试试你能找着调么。See if you can find the pitch.

看看你能否唱出来。See if you can sing the pitch.

那记暴投打中击球手。The wild pitch hit the batter.

我们船有固定螺距螺旋桨。We have fixed pitch propeller.

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他们用沥青涂盖屋顶。They used pitch to cover roofs.

喇叭口拥堵大量的液体沥青。A mammoth trumpets liquid pitch.

真的只有一个吗Actually, was it just one pitch?

还有就是音高的变化。The second is pitch variability.

螺旋桨是固定螺距。We have a fixed pitch propeller.

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布朗狠击投来的第一球。Brown teed off on the first pitch.

螺旋桨的螺距需要矫正。Check of propeller pitch is needed.

我们船有可变螺距螺旋桨。We have controllable pitch propeller.