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对于这个能作为过去100年的表率的人,我们还能期望什么呢?What more could we ask of a man to personify the past 100 years?

它们把人们崇拜的神力和魔力都人格化了。The personify the divine and magic powers worshipped by the people.

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“反复思考一样东西,你会渐渐把它拟人化,”她说。"You tend to personify things that you think about a lot, " she says.

由于君主拥有多重身份,因此君主被认为是英国人格的化身。In holding these and other positions , the monarch is said to personify the British state.

假如罗丹创作一个代表女性的雕像作品,很可能会被称为“讲话者”。If Rodin created a sculpture to personify a woman, it would probably be called 'The Talker'.

这场审计美联储运动的两个领袖象征着美国政坛左右翼的联合,共同推动美联储改革。The twin leaders of the movement personify the right-left coalition pressing for Fed reform.

请勿恐吓、侵扰、侮辱、伤害他人,请勿侵犯他人隐私。Do not threat, disturb, personify or hurt other people, and do not invade other people's privacy.

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他是个极好的老师,而且他似乎是现代中国渴望精神追求的代表。He was a fantastic teacher and he also seemed to personify a spiritual longing endemic in contemporary China.

不管他愿不愿意,奥巴马已经成了更为全球化、文化多元化——是的,还有世界化——的美国的代表。Whether he wants to or not, Obama has come to personify this more globalized, multicultural--yes, cosmopolitan--America.

母牛可以产奶及蓄粪肥,象征财富女神拉克希米,在她的受敬日里被供奉水果及谷物。Kept for milk and dung, cows personify Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, and are treated to fruit and grain on her day of honor.

我假设有些东西,你拟人化了并且你爱它,一些东西你爱的但是没有拟人化。I'm assuming that you have something that you personify that you love that thing, in some that you haven't personified that you love.

特罗洛普的小说的主角与非正统派主角把过分的善与过分的恶都人格化了,这按照他的哲学威胁着英国的中庸之道。Trollope's hero and anti-hero personify the excess of virtue and the excess of vice which in his philosophy threatens the British golden mean.

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正如你们选择了将纯粹的爱拟人化为你们称之为神的那个角色,你们也选择拟人化卑鄙的恐惧为你们所谓的撒旦。Just as you have chosen to personify pure love as the character you call God, so have you chosen to personify abject fear as the character you call the devil.

“三言”正面描写了一大批光彩照人的女性形象,在她们身上我们看到了新的时代特色。In "Three Collections of Short Stories" by Feng Menglong a number of attractive female images have been set up who personify the characteristics of the new era.

被铺之前的吴女士似乎已被冠以中国最卑微环境中获得商业成功奇迹的人。Before her arrest Ms Wu had seemed to personify the miraculous business success that could be achieved by people from even the most humble background in modern China.

当然,人们将这一奇特事物人格化并认为它有智力是荒诞的,但是这些奇闻轶事却发人深思。But people tend to personify such peculiar events and it's ludicrous to think that the balls of light have any intelligence, but the anecdotes are no less intriguing.

之所以出人意料是因为,丰田公司的首席执行官的形象多年来都一成不变,他们身着灰色西服,在公众面前永远摆出一副精算师的面孔,完全就是丰田集体统一管理模式的化身。Unlikely because Toyota CEOs are traditionally gray-suited men who affect the public personalities of actuaries and personify the faceless anonymity of consensus management.

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在我的世界里只有两个人,一个是我自己,另一个是我的影子,我会把我的影子看做亲人、朋友、对象等等以及我喜欢的任何人或事物。There are two people in my own world, one is myself, the other is my shadow, I personify my shadow as a member of my family, my friend, my partner, or anyone or an object that I like.

但事实上,即使许多阿拉伯世界的激进分子和学者已超越个性来看待问题的本源,夸夸其谈他们的目的,也意味着他们并没有领会挑战的深层含义。But the fact that so many activists and analysts in the Arab world and beyond so personify the problem, and speak so glibly of their goals, also suggests a failure to grasp the depth of the challenge.