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现在他朝脚灯直冲过来。He now shot down to the footlights.

她的举止带有职业演员的味道。Her manners smell of the footlights.

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她老是梦想当演员。She's always dreaming of the footlights.

虽然爸爸安慰妈妈,奶奶的脚灯附近出现。While Daddy comforts Mommy, Grandma emerges near the footlights.

他是一个成员脚灯和主席马洛社会。He was a member of the Footlights and the president of the Marlowe Society.

戏台上那些情意绵绵的爱情场面使爱玛为之神往。The tender love scenes Behind the footlights made Emma Breathless with envy.

现在还说不准他的表演是否会受观众的欢迎。It is still doubtful whether his performance would get across the footlights.

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他愉快地向他丢个眼色,微微一笑,他把一只脚搭在戏台前沿的栏杆上。With a merry wink, he smiled at him, and leaned with his foot against the footlights.

是谁被送往当地的脚灯少数作家了深深体会到他们的地位谦卑。The few native authors who were admitted to the footlights were made to feel keenly the humility of their position.

内装单脚灯管、快速瞬时启动,可根据用户要求改装双脚灯管。Single footlights tube installed inside, starting with fast instantaneous. Canrefit the one foot light tube according to the customer request.

我至今还感觉得到自己站在舞台上,双颊绯红,越过绚丽的脚灯光线向下张望,看见的竟是父亲的笑脸,他一面使劲地鼓掌,一面快活地笑着。I can still feel myself standing on that stage blushing furiously and gazing over the footlights to see my father's grin as he applauded loudly.

我至今感觉到自己站在舞台上,双颊绯红,透过绚丽的脚灯向下张望,看到的竟是父亲的笑脸。I can still feel myself standing on the stage, blushing furiously and gazing over the footlights to see my father's grin as he applauded loudly.

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我至今还感觉得到自己站在舞台上,双颊绯红,越过绚丽的脚灯光线向下张望,看见的竟是父亲的笑脸,他一面使劲地鼓掌,一面快活地笑着。I can still feel myself standing on that stage, blushing furiously and gazing over the footlights to see my father's grin as he applauded loudly.

那个女人在死亡的当口,包含着热泪,拒绝放弃她视之为艺术的东西,极力去证明一种她在舞台聚光灯后从未达到的伟大。And that woman in the death throes refusing in tears to repudiate what she called her art gave evidence of a greatness that she never achieved behind the footlights.

和中国努力打造海军实力一样,中国社会如今对女性在国际选美比赛中露出肚脐以获得荣誉不再感到不安了。Much as China seeks to build its naval might on the seas, Chinese society now has few qualms about women showing navels to gain glory among the footlights of international beauty pageants.