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积雪的盘子上的圆点般阒寂。Soundless as dots on a disk of snow.

软软的雨点儿开始降落,倾斜的,无声的。A soft rain began to fall, slanting, soundless.

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周围的空气如凝结了一般,是那么的寂静。It is so soundless . Air nearby liked be condensed.

是一种无声的噪音,急促而有力。It was a soundless noise, yet rushing and powerful.

只是一句话,没有声音,就像印在纸上的字。They were just words, soundless , like print on a page.

在他的咏唱里,你的歌声只是无声的颤动。He in whose chant all your singing is but a soundless throbbing.

他是一位歌者,你们的歌唱在他不过是无声的颤抖。He in whose chant all your singing is but a soundless throbbing.

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你无声无息,涌入了我心底。Your soundless and stirless, poured into the bottom of my heart.

爱,无声无息的驻进,划落了纯真的笑颜。Love, soundless and stirless in falling into, the innocent smile.

“造型”是一种语言,它传达了“无言的服务,无声的命令”。Model is a language expressing wordless service and soundless order.

他看到河水忽然间冒出一个无声的小小的水花。He caught sight of a sudden, soundless and slight moving of the water.

我从未放弃过爱你,只是浓烈变成无声无息。I never give up loving you just become strong, soundless and stir less.

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“我再也搜索不到什么声音了,”他后来解释说,“于是我得到了无声之声。”"I could collect no more, " he explained later, "so I reached the soundless sound."

他慢吞吞地从椅子上欠身站了起来,走过无声的地毯,向他们这边过来…He rose deliberately from his chair and came towards them across the soundless carpet.

机遇像个小偷,到来时无声无息,走的时候你却损失惨重。Opportunity is like a thief, arrival of soundless and stirless, walk when you have lost.

作为一个观众,你被关在无声的冰箱里面几乎冻死。As a viewer, you were shut inside the om of an absolute soundless fridge, almost freezing to death.

学会承受痛苦。有些事情,只适合烂在心里,适合无声无息的忘记。Learn to bear the pain. Some things, only bad for the heart, soundless and stirless forget for the.

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这些隐匿已久的无声录像带,记录了化肥炸药被引爆后人们从附近大楼四散而逃的场景。The soundless recordings show people rushing from nearby buildings after the fertilizer bomb went off.

我是这座房屋里唯一未熄的知觉火花,在无意识的睡眠者身旁无声无息地走过。I’m the only spark of conscious life in the house, passing soundless and unseen among unheeding sleepers.

然而时光终究会无声无息地流淌,无论你以怎样的姿态来面对,它也毫无回旋的余地。However, that time will come and soundless and stirless flowing, no matter you with what attitude to face, it has no room for manoeuvre.