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接着他向海盗喊话。Then he hailed the buccaneer.

这只船正是所谓的海盗船。It was called The Buccaneer Ship.

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这艘悬挂意大利国旗的“巴克尼亚号”拖船是4月11日在亚丁湾被海盗劫持的。The Italian-flagged tugboat Buccaneer was hijacked in the Gulf of Aden on April 11.

默多克,海盗般的福克斯公司老板,也是全世界许多传播媒体的拥有人。Rupert Murdoch, buccaneer owner of Fox and much else of the world's communications business.

他是控制着卡贝略港和古巴的Portabela的海盗们的领袖He was the commander of a crew of buccaneer that captured Puerto Principe and Portabela, Cuba.

该巴克尼尔和机组人员正在护送海军船只和它的方法,吉布提。The Buccaneer and its crew is now being escorted by navy vessels and is on its way to Djibouti.

亨利·摩根因其勇猛和领导才能而闻名,他可能是所有时代里最著名的海盗了。Known for his bravery and leadership, Henry Morgan was perhaps the most famous buccaneer of all time.

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她会不会突然喜欢上海盗靴、带图腾顶饰的帽子、带长刃的匕首和扔飞刀?Would she suddenly take to buccaneer boots, some totem-crested helm, long-bladed dirks and throwing knives?

“手眼通天的掠夺者”—“邪恶力量”—“老海盗”—“蹩脚的冒牌货,就像他的报纸一样蹩脚”。"A very able buccaneer"--"a sinister force"--"an old pirate"--"schlock, just like his papers are schlock. "

这些海盗们开始朝加勒比海行驶,并且也开始使用“boucans”作为武器。It became the favorite weapon of these pirates of the Caribbean and they were eventually given the name of buccaneer.

当我的妈妈凝视着蓝鲸的口的时候,意义奥神秘的小船无端的出现了,它就是所谓的海盗船。As my mother was staring into the mouth of the whale a mysterious ship came out of nowhere. It was called The Buccaneer Ship.

金银岛饭店里有个海盗湾,从下午4点起,每一个半小时就有一场壮观的海盗大战表演。Treasure Island Hotel is home to Buccaneer Bay, where every 90 minutes starting at 4 p. m. there is a spectacular pirate battle.

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实际上,他们痛恨西班牙,因为西班牙海军摧毁海盗船和城镇,并且追踪和杀害任何他们逮捕的海盗。In fact, the buccaneers hated the Spanish because they destroyed pirate ships and towns and would capture and kill any buccaneer that they caught.