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有一只被环志了的粉红燕鸥!One of the Roseate Tern is ringed!

年燕鸥调查所拍摄的照片。Photos taken during Tern survey in 2007.

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年燕鸥调查所拍摄的照片。Photos taken during Tern survey in 2009.

年燕鸥调查所拍摄的照片。Photos taken during Tern survey in 2010.

去年有40%的带无线电发射器的燕鸥幼鸟被海鸥吃掉了。Last year, gulls ate 40 percent of the tagged tern chicks.

北极燕鸥感觉到以后还可以吃,还可以休息,还可以交配。The arctic tern senses that it can eat later. It can rest later.

今日有最少11只粉红燕鸥及3只黑枕燕鸥在塔门码头!Today at least 11 Roseate Tern and 3 Black-naped Tern at Tap Mun!

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我们仍旧不看好该公司的近期前景。We remain unenthused regarding near tern outlook for the company.

全港最大的燕鸥岛上设有导航灯。A navigation beacon is mounted on the largest tern island in Hong Kong.

白腰燕鸥是另一种在春天和秋天会大量迁徙的候鸟。Aleutian Tern is another numerous passage migrant in both spring and autumn.

本地鸥会贪婪地冲向这些施舍,而北极燕鸥却会继续往前飞。Local gulls will dive voraciously for such handouts, while the tern flies on.

飞累了,停息于海岸边伸展一下「四肢」,好不舒服。Tired of flying, a tern rests on the shore and preens its plumage in comfort.

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我拍了许多黑嘴端凤头燕鸥在一群凤头燕鸥中的照片。I took several photos of the Chinese crested tern amidst the Greater crested terns.

一只最小的燕鸥在内布拉斯加弗里蒙特附近普拉特河沿岸照料她建在一个矿场的窝。An interior least tern tends her nest at a mine along the Platte River near Fremont, Nebraska.

有些种类的鸟儿,例如北极燕鸥,能进行每年2万5千英里的循环飞行。Some species of birds, like the Arctic tern , make a 25,000 mile round-trip journey every year.

重点介绍了说话人辨识系统的设计与实现方法。Emphasis is put on the methods of design and implementation of speaker identification sys- tern.

针对MC-CDMA系统的反向链路提出了一种动态子载波和功率分配算法。This paper proposes a dynamic subchannel and power allocation algorithm for the MC-CDMA sys tern.

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这是一个国家的象征,在塞舌尔的童话鸥鸟变得更加顺畅和抽象。The Fairy Tern birds which are a national symbol in the Seychelles became more smooth and abstract.

我种下了蕨树和竹子,而且悉心照料。我给它们阳光和水分。蕨树长得很快。When I planted the tern and the bamboo seeds, I yook good care of them, I gave them light and water.

为何整个冬季不做,偏偏要等到燕鸥繁殖季节中期才动工?Why didn't they do it during the winter, but instead schedule it at the middle of the tern breeding season?