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此论文属于共时的研究。This dissertation belongs to synchronic study.

采用针杆摆动与压脚、送布牙同步送料方式。It adopts Synchronic feeding of needle bar and feed dog.

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属于或有关语言的同时类型的比较的。Of or relating to the synchronic typological comparison of languages.

是结合共时性比较和历时性比较。The synchronic comparison should be combined with the diachronic one.

在艺术认识活动中存在着历时性结构和共时性复合结构。Diachronic and synchronic structures exist in the activies of art cognition.

康德从历时和共时两方面理性批判了形而上学独断论。Kant criticized the metaphysical dogmatism both in synchronic and diachronic way.

另一方面,共时研究不能排除演化的概念。On the other hand, synchronic study cannot remove the conception of the evolution.

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然后脱离阳历铭记陷阱和重新连接同步秩序。Then disengage from the Gregorian mind trap and re-connect with the synchronic order.

在通讯过程中设备的所有按键和自动同步发送机都将被锁定。All keys and the automatic synchronic transmitter are locked in the process of communication.

而在新的历史语境下,注重的是语文课程的共时性的人文价值。Whereas in the new contextual situation, synchronic humane value is attached great importance.

这一术语的形成首先就离不开其历时性与共时性范畴限制。This terminology can't be formed without the limitation of diachronic and synchronic categories.

为使耦合充分,必须使电子束团与激光脉冲在时间和空间上完全同步。It is necessary that the electronic bunch and laser pulses are synchronic in both time and space.

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共时性要素由教学理论、教师、教学实践构成。The synchronic space factors mainly include the teaching theories, the teachers and the practice.

但是共时性的结构则是更加隐藏,但是我们感到兴趣是这个结构。But the synchronic structure is more hidden, and it is this structure that takes us to the source.

同时也从共时角度分析二者跨类产生的原因。Only in this way can we grasp both the causes of cross-category from the synchronic point of view.

有关语言学静态的一切都是共时的,有关语言学动态的一切都是历史的。It is also necessary to carryout some degree of synchronic work before making a diachronic linguistics.

所以很多教学可以被看成是,不限于一时的而有历时变化的。So a lot of teaching and learning can be thought as less synchronic activities and more diachronic one.

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语言的共时差异往往反映历时的演变,濒危语言也是一样。Synchronic differences in language often reflect the diachronic evolution, so do the endangered languages.

在苏格拉底的哲学思想中,是与「知汝自己」平行与同步发展的。In Socrates' philosophical thought, "knowledge as virtue" developed parallel and synchronic to "know thyself.

两者所揭示的社会与心理背景,均具备一定的相似性与共时性。Revealed both the social and psychological background, possess a certain degree of similarity and Synchronic.