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这首诗讲的是射击练习。It's a poem about gunnery practice.

射击练习扰乱了死者,扰乱了地面。Gunnery practice disturbs the dead, disrupts the ground.

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因此,硝酸铵能有效抑制二次焰的形成。Therefor, AN can effectively inhibit the secondary muzzle flash of gunnery.

战争结束后,罗德沃尔德作为一名航空射击专家回到了试飞基地。Following the War, Rodewald returned to test flying as an aerial gunnery expert.

然而,拥有重甲巨炮的战斗舰存在著航速缓慢以及前述的火炮特性限制。A heavily armored battleship would be slow and have similar limitations in gunnery.

来自枪炮长的报告要比战斗机飞行员的热情的多。Reports from gunnery officers were more enthusiastic than those of Fighter Command.

枪炮专业的声音仍然叫得很响,继续统治着争论。The traditionally loud voice of the gunnery branch continued to dominate the debate.

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在图拉看到的微型枪支给这位未来的枪械大师留下了深刻印象。Guns in miniature seen in Tula produced lasting impression on the future gunnery master.

小型化军队必须象熟知射击表尺一样熟悉其联合作战的伙伴。The small force must be as familiar with its joint partners as it is with gunnery tables.

同样,大多数战斗本身也只是远距离的炮击作战,而且经常是在夜间。Also, much of the fighting took the nature of long range gunnery engagements, often at night.

过度的横摇纵摆会降低航速,并且限制火炮和航空作业的正常进行。Excessive list and trim will reduce speed, and limit or prevent gunnery and aircraft operations.

考德威尔“向影子射击”的练习方法成为了中东战友们射击练习的教科书。Caldwell's method of "shadow shooting" became a standard method of gunnery practice in the Middle East.

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射击精度测量是检验射击类武器弹药性能的重要手段。Gunnery accuracy evaluation is an important means of testing the ammunition performance of shooting arms.

坦克驾驶员和炮手在武装党卫队即将接受的新车辆上接受训练。Tank driving and gunnery courses were run on the new vehicles and weapons being delivered to the Waffen-SS.

被指派为炮术教官的他,在做好本职工作的同时仍积极渴望执行战斗任务。Though assigned to duty as gunnery instructor and neither required nor expected to perform combat duty, Maj.

军事设施包括巧克力山海军空中射击范围和海军沙漠试验场。Military installations include the Chocolate Mountains Naval Aerial Gunnery Range and the Naval Desert Test Range.

仿真结果表明,该组合导航系统能较大地提高导弹的射击精度。The mathematical results indicate the accuracy of gunnery of the missile can be largely increased by this algorithm.

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所有飞行员参加了已位于滇池岸边的目标的空对地射击的训练。Both pilots had been practicing air-to-ground gunnery on a target range that was situated near the shore of Lake Dianche.

“忍耐号”上炮位的显示屏类似于我们在“千年隼”里见到的炮位显示屏。The gunnery station aboard the Endurance has a display screen that resembles the ones found aboard the Millennium Falcon.

作为射击警长鲍勃李昂首阔步,你必须清楚你的名字后,被指控企图暗杀总统。As Gunnery Sergeant Bob Lee Swagger, you must clear your name after being accused of an assassination attempt on the President.