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今天,我们专注于理性化。Today, we focus on rationalization.

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开展劳动竞赛和合理化建议活动。Engage in labour emulation and rationalization proposals.

不要让那种自我安慰的力量影响你。Don’t let the powers of rationalization take you further, though.

开展劳动竞赛和合理化建议活动。Engage in labour emulation and put forward rationalization proposals.

事实上,所有核心假设都可以归结为对战略遵循行为的理性化。In fact, all the hard core assumptions render rationalization for it.

例如,其一,每个人都具有非凡的合理化能力。One, for example, is we have a remarkable capacity for rationalization.

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剥开否认与借口的外衣,你能够发现真相。away denial, rationalization. You strip that away and you find the truth.

任意1-连通的有限CW-复形的有理化空间是有理空间。The rationalization of any 1-connected finite CW-complex is a rational spaces.

经济增长的根本原因在于产权制度的合理化。Economic growth is originated from the rationalization of proprietorial system.

长远的计划包括进一步合理化文件,FTP,JMS,MQ等适配器。Longer-term plans include further rationalization around File, FTP, JMS, MQ adapters.

在记者招待会上,将军解释了他的军队为何撤退。In the press conference, the general gave a rationalization for the retreat of his army.

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红光公司实现合理化建议工作的系统化、流程化、无纸化。The red company to realize the rationalization proposals work system, process, no paper.

总体上看,就业结构正朝着合理化与优化的方向发展。Overall, the employment structure is developing towards rationalization and optimization.

这与希腊文化中对蓄奴的辩护,有异曲同工之妙。This is uncannily parallel by the way to the rationalization for slaves in Greek culture.

是啊,好的,哪能那么短暂,乔恩,除非我们一直不合理地吃,但感谢你的辩护经典作品。Not if we’ve been eating rationally. But thank you for a classic piece of rationalization.

物流合理化的根本途径是实现物流的系统化。The cardinal approach to the rationalization of PD is to realize the systematization of PD.

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这三个因素,又称舞弊三角,是压力,机会和借口。These three factors, known as the fraud triangle, are pressure, opportunity and rationalization.

你没有让那种自我安慰的力量赴阻止你改变我自己。You haven't let the powerful forces of rationalization prevent you from committing to self-change.

你没有让那种自我安慰的力量去阻止你改变自己。You haven’t let the powerful forces of rationalization prevent you from committing to self-change.