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一滴滴口水顺着他的下巴往下流。Gobs of spittle ran down his chin.

现在淌的哈喇子,将成为明天的眼泪。Your spittle of today will be a tear of tomorrow.

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恐惧的人们让你却成为了唾沫的对象。People fear you have become the object of the spittle.

屠夫高兴的口水都要流出来了。The butcher was so pleased, spittle ran from his mouth.

他啐了一口唾沫,让唾沫打在轿车的后门上,然后走开。He spat so that the spittle hit the back door of the sedan and walked away.

这就像把唾沫在地上,然后又把它吞咽。It is like swallowing your own spittle after spitting it out on the ground.

合理的技术,没有多余的唾沫。另一方面讲,没什么感觉。Reasonable technique, no extraneous spittle. On the other hand, no arousal.

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上下键控制小新移动,空白键为唾沫攻击。The arrow keys to control small new movement the space bar to spittle attack.

他们几乎鼻子鼻子,唾沫飞作为他们的声音与张力的同时上涨。They were practically nose to nose, spittle flying as their voices rose in tandem with the tension.

对于一只狂吠不已的狗你只要视而不见,充耳不闻,口含唾沫。What you really want from a snarling dog is one eye, and maybe a missing ear, and a mouth foaming with spittle.

吐出的口水在落地前就结成了冰,麻雀被冻住从屋顶跌落到地上。The spittle from mouths turned to ice before it reached the ground, sparrows fell frozen from the roofs to the ground.

不久之后,老巫婆醒来,开始呼吁克莱门,但女儿对她的床上左唾沫回答,“母亲?。Soon after, the old witch awoke and began calling Clemencia, but the spittle the daughter had left on her bed answered, "Mother?"

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在对方说话之时,收集一些唾液,这样在轮到你说话的时候,向对方喷口水。While they’re talking, collect some saliva in your mouth so that when it’s your turn to talk, you hit them with a little spittle.

妇女们被告诫不要在城里穿长裙,因为拖地的裙边有可能沾上痰渍而把结核菌带回家。Women were told not to wear long dresses in town, where trailing skirts might become soiled with spittle and bring tuberculosis home.

因此糖尿病患者的血液、尿液及呼出的气体内含丙酮的量较一般健康的人高。Therefore, the diabetic patient has a higher acetone concentration in their expiration gas, blood, or spittle than that of a nondiabetic people.

但是当我微笑着说“哈罗”时,那个大一点的男孩一定认为自己被遗忘了,立即拍了他一下流淌着口水跟了上来。But when I smiled and said hello, the older boy, who must have thought he was about to miss out, promptly spat at him, catching me with spittle as well.

所有人嗅着空中那浓浓的血腥味,惊愕地看着那沐浴在血雨之中的少年,惊愕地吞了口唾沫。The landlord smells atmosphere that very thick bloody flavor, stunnedly looking at that bathing at the young in blood rain and stunnedly swallowed spittle.

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如果她说话的时候不瞪眼睛,不喷唾沫星子,声音再小一些的话就不用当毕加索当到今天了吧。If when talking she doesn't stare eyes, don't spray spittle star son, voice again a tiny bit small words need not be entirely multiplication Suo be till today.

就在众人面前改变了寻常的举动,在他们手下假装疯癫,在城门的门扇上胡写乱画,使唾沫流在胡子上。So he changed his behavior before them and pretended to be insane in their hands and made marks on the doors of the gate and let his spittle run down his beard.

较低级的神恩奇因此而用泥土,再加上唾沫和一位杀死了的神的血液,塑造成第一个人,这样人可以工作,众神可以休息。The senior god Enki therefore fashioned the first men from clay, mixed with spittle and the blood of a slain god, so that men could work and the gods could rest.