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她装扮成男人。She was attired as a man.

他穿着丝绸衣服。He attired himself in silk.

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她穿着丝衣。She attired herself in silk.

这女孩一身粉红色打扮。The girl was attired in pink.

新娘穿着雪白的礼服。The bride was attired in white.

与他同行的女人穿着类似的着装。The woman with him was similarly attired.

海德公园里,服饰华丽的骑手们站在罗敦小路中央。In Hyde Park, elegantly attired riders centered on Rotten Row.

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那Hamar是十分精巧的用鹿角装饰的于埃塞俄比亚的种族群体。The Hamar are among the most elaborately attired of Ethiopia's ethnic groups.

上院议员身着礼服参加议会的开幕式。The Lords were attired in their ceremonial robes for the opening of parliament.

奥兰斯卡夫人无视这种习俗,她穿的是红色天鹅绒晨衣。Madame Olenska, heedless of tradition, was attiRED in a long robe of RED velvet.

上院议员们皆着深色大礼服参加议会开幕式。The Lords attired themselves in their dark ceremonial robes for the opening of Parliament.

进入内心,确保你们着好盛装,这样你们会闪耀着神圣的光芒。Go within and ensure that YOU are attired in your best wear, so that you glow with divine radiance.

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其中一个正在做吐司,而右侧身着女仆装的另一个机器人等着给人送吐司。One makes toast, while the appropriately attired bot at right waits to deliver the toast to a human.

一位年轻女子,穿着软绒衣装,睡眼蒙胧,等待着一艘朝它驶来的帆船。A young woman, neatly attired in outing clothes, eyes softened by dreaming, awaits a sailboat headed toward her.

在帐篷周围两俄亩的地方,一些穿着各种服装的、血渍斑班的人们或卧或坐或站。For more than five acres round the tents there were sitting or lying men stained with blood, and variously attired.

他还是穿着昨天晚上的那套衣服,正舞着他的手帕向客人告别,弗兰兹也同样地挥舞着他的手回答他的敬意。He was attired as he had been on the previous evening, and waved his pocket-handkerchief to his guest in token of adieu.

我旋即被这本漂亮的小册子吸引住了,书页里尽是柔焦镜头下展示的女性拼贴画,她们在自己的侧影中衣着优雅鲜亮,眉目间脉脉含情,指间还燃着香烟。Its pages are a collage of women framed in soft focus, elegantly attired and wistfully posed, all cigarettes and silhouettes.

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拍卖商有着稀薄的头发和放肆的眼睛。他打扮奇怪并展示好笑的姿势来吸引她的注意。This auctioneer had attenuate hair and audacious eyes. he attired strangely and showed a funny attitude to attract her attention.

六名宇航员们穿着一套训练时的航天服,在训练的间隙来个STS-129全体成员的合影。Attired in training versions of their shuttle launch and entry suits, these six astronauts take a break from training to pose for the STS-129 crew portrait.

穿着航天飞机发射服的训练服的四位宇航员从训练中忙里抽闲,拍摄了这张STS-135机组成员肖像图。Attired in training versions of their shuttle launch and entry suits, these four astronauts take a break from training to pose for the STS-135 crew portrait.