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他又看了侦察员一眼。He glanced at his Spotter again.

2008年某车展上的巨型拖拉机轮胎。Titan tractor tire spotter at the SEMA 2008 auto show.

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他乘着一架怪鸟式小型侦察机飞抵罗马。He was flown out in a tiny Stork spotter plane to Rome.

他玩着测位仪,在织物边他们谈了会儿。He plays spotter , and they talk for a while between reps.

炮兵部队的侦察飞机指示炮火打中敌舰。The artillery spotter brought down fire on the enemy warship.

没有,他总是一个人,很明显,他不需要观察员。None. He's all by himself. Apparently he doesn't need a spotter.

监控官员使用“侦察卡”来识别活跃分子。Surveillance officers use ­"spotter cards" to identify activists.

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然而,你的确保者也不可能消除抱石的危险性。Your spotter can't, however, eliminate the dangers of bouldering.

一名观察员将向射击者报告射靶结果,好让他们调整枪械。A spotter will give aim to a shooter so they can adjust their gun.

我建议得到帮助的一项举报,如果你举起的重量非常沉重。I suggest of getting help of a spotter if you lift a very heavy weight.

如果你是体积小,检举实际上可以支持你的腰部水平。If you are small size, the spotter can actually support you at the waist level.

没有人能够比佛罗伦萨的天才识别者担当更中心的角色。Nobody has taken a more central role than the Florentines'prime talent spotter.

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当你蹲下,如果你需要在你身后检举,一定要得到一个你可以信任的。When you do squat and if you need a spotter behind you, make sure you get someone you can trust.

早上11点左右,导航飞机发现了一个鱼群,引导围网拖船开始以19节的速度突进。Around 11 a. m. , the spotter planes spied a school, setting the purse seiners on a 19-knot dash.

一名观察手必须等到载具停下时他才可以保证镭射标定可以黏住目标。A spotter should wait for the vehicle to come to a stop so he can assure the laser is stuck to it.

要是你的锻炼同伴能够用一条宽腰带绑缚在你的腰臀处,那么大概能够更好地预防你行动失控。It might be a good idea to have a spotter hold a wide belt under your hips in case you lose control.

当他边坡定位315磅,他有一个选择,以获得帮助他的检举,或推动通过。When he was benching 315 pounds, he has a choice, to get help from his spotter or to push that through.

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侦察机发现了英军的25磅大炮的阵地,指引炮火进行轰击。Spotter planes found the British 25-pounder artillery batteries and directed shelling to knock them out.

“主宰者”的后部竖立着一根可收放的传感天线杆,里面坐着一名校测员。From the Juggernaut's back extends a tall retractable sensor mast, in which sits a lone spotter and sensor operator.

之后这名观测者跑到克洛夫利地区试图让游泳者出水,但是在他赶到之前鲨鱼已经袭击了该名男子。The spotter then ran to Clovelly Corner to try to get the swimmer out of the water, but the attack took place before he could reach him.