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海鸣王。蓝色的涂装很赞。武器包括了枪和流星锤。Kaimeioh. Blue painting looks sooooooo awesome. Weapon includes a gun and bola.

本公司以了解使用这个打每一方的责任事件是一次意外。The insurers use this BOLA to assess how liable each party is in the event of an accident.

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而投掷流星锤来捉鸟的话,就需要更多的技巧了,它能把鸟类套住在缠绕的绳子里。Throwing a bola requires more skill, and works by entangling the bird in the spinning ropes.

博拉·约姆因为吸入污染的空气而病倒,不过笨拙的孔自己也中了毒。Bola Yomm fell ill because of the contaminated air, but the bungling Koong also managed to poison himself.

孟加拉国的一位政府官员说,在星期五发生在波拉岛的沉船事件中至少有56人丧生。Officials in Bangladesh now say at least 56 people were killed when a passenger boat turned over on Bola island Friday.

表示,平托一直是巴萨的目标,西甲豪门已经给了他一个初步的报价。Pinto has been a long-term target for Barcelona and has been tabled a preliminary offer by the Spanish giants, says A Bola.

蚕丝用酸性染料染色时,加入波勒式双季胺盐电解质,可增加蚕丝纤维对染料的吸附量。Real silk can increase its dye adsorption in its dyeing with acid dyes in the presence of Bola diquaternary ammonium salt electrolyte.

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这是常有的事,汽车保险公司在新加坡指望导游叫打,代表的晴雨表责任协议。It is often the case that the car insurers in Singapore count on a guide called BOLA which stands for Barometer of Liability Agreement.

根据葡萄牙报纸的报道称,在上周,布拉加3-0击败里斯本竞技的比赛里,米兰派出了球探观察斯特尔维奥的表现。According to Portuguese newspaper A Bola , the Rossoneri sent scouts to watch Stélvio in the Arsenalists' 3-0 win over Sporting Lisbon last weekend.

这一僵局离结束似乎还遥遥无期,这使得美国支持的政府,支持旭日利亚的总统和伊朗支持的真主党运动仍继续竞争。Here's no sign of an end to the death lock which pit the US backed government against the pro searing president and his uranium back to his bola movement.

李先生高兴之余仍在担心,手里真会拿到现钱吗?这种算法毕竟只是自己在拨拉,一直还没见具体实施的条文。Lee glad I still worry that I will get quick hands?After all, this is their own algorithms in Bola , has not see concrete implementation of the provisions.

那个地址在纸上看上去有些偏远,但是一旦我们到了那儿,我们发现想找到城区和旅游景点的路一点困难也没有。The location seemed a little daunting on paper, but once we were there it was no problem at all to find our way between Bola Bola and the tourist attractions.

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那儿有一天小路连接在车站和市区之间,但是他很美,很安静,并且我们有了网站上面的地图的帮助很容易就找到了对的路。There was a little walk between the station and Bola Bola, but it's a nice, quiet area, and we made our way there easily with help from the maps on the website.